Government Relations
Government Relations

Government Relations
Del Mar College Government Relations supports the institution in all areas of legislation, including the local, state and federal levels. Our role includes providing elected officials with College data and information in order to advocate for the success of our students and our community, as well as monitoring legislative proceedings and policy-making actions that can affect Del Mar College and its constituents.
In collaboration with the DMC Board of Regents, we work with other Texas community colleges, trustees, regents and professional associations to advance affordable, quality higher education opportunities for the Texas Coastal Bend.
Our efforts also include representing the College at the U. S. Congress, Texas Legislature, local governmental bodies and educational commissions and agencies.
State Legislature Agendas
DMC/TACC Agenda - 87th Texas Legislature
DMC/TACC Agenda - 85th Texas Legislature
TACC 2020 Community College Fact Sheet
Congressional Agendas
ACCT 2021-2022 Agenda - 117th Congress
DMC Congressional Agendas
Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)
Community College Association of Texas Trustees (CCATT)
Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC)
Page last updated August 8, 2022.