Become a Music Major
Become a Music Major

New Music Major Orientation Tuesday, August 19, 2025
Registration is required so that we may plan for social distancing. Come and meet the music faculty, have your questions answered, and tour our state-of-the-art facilities. The orientation should last about one hour, after which we will be able to assist with additional items such as registration, schedule changes, and checking out instrument lockers. We look forward to meeting with you!
Music Theory Placement Exam
All music majors must take the core music courses as part of their major. This consists of Music Theory, Sight-Singing/Ear Training, and Piano. Basic music notation understanding (reading and writing) is necessary to succeed in these courses. It is not uncommon for students to take a preparatory course – Music Fundamentals (MUSI 1303) and Class Voice (MUSI 1183) – to prepare one’s self for their core courses. The Del Mar College Department of Music administers a short test, which is designed to assess an incoming student’s music reading, basic music notation, and sight singing so that students can have the best chance for success in their music courses.
The Music Theory Placement Exam will be administered online and should be taken prior to the first day of classes. For details on how to take the exam and to study, visit our exam guide.
Here are some quick facts about the music theory placement exam:
- Any student may choose NOT to take the Music Theory Placement Exam. However, in doing so, you are opting to take the music foundational courses, Music Fundamentals (MUSI 1303) and Class Voice (MUSI 1183).
- Students who pass with a 70% or higher will take Theory I (MUSI 1311), Sight-Singing/Ear Training I (MUSI 1116), and Piano I (MUSI 1181). Students who don’t pass all parts of the exam will take Music Fundamentals (MUSI 1303) and Class Voice (MUSI 1183) to prepare them for Theory I, etc.
- The Music Theory Placement Exam should be taken prior to your first semester of music classes and may only be taken once.
- If you have reregistered for Theory I (MUSI 1311), Sight-Singing/Ear Training I (MUSI 1116), and Piano I (MUSI 1181) and do not pass the exam, faculty within the Department of Music will help change your schedule. If you attend New Student Orientation, this will take place that same day (see schedule). Students who take the exam online will need to make an appointment with their advisor to make the appropriate schedule changes.
About Majoring in Music at Del Mar College
The Associate of Arts in Music prepares students to complete a Bachelor of Music degree in performance, sound recording technology, theory and composition and music education. The curriculum at Del Mar College seeks to challenge, empower, and inspire students while meeting their diverse needs as they strive to become performers, composers, educators, and integral members and leaders of the music industry and community.
If you are interested in becoming a music major or have any questions regarding any of our programs, contact the faculty member who mirrors your primary interest, as they will best be able to provide you with the information and academic advising you require. For example, if your interest is music performance and/or education, contact the faculty member who provides instruction on your primary instrument. They will serve as your academic advisor during the course of your studies at Del Mar College.
In addition, academic advising will also be available on site (New Music Buildings A and B) the week prior to the first day of classes, as well as during the New Student Orientation. Faculty will be available to answer questions and provide academic counsel to ensure students register for the appropriate classes.
Page last updated February 5, 2025.