Student Complaint Policy
Student Complaint Policy
Students Rights, Responsibilities and Safety
Student Complaint Policy [Chapter 7 – Policy #B7.12]
B7.12 Student Complaint Policy:
The student Complaint Policy is based on the belief that such complaints are best resolved at the level closest to the issue that led to the complaint. Resolutions to such complaints must be reached through the participation of all parties involved in the issue that led to the complaint. All procedures developed in relation to this policy will be applied in an equitable and nondiscriminatory manner and will protect the rights of all parties. The policy includes the procedures for A General Academic Non-Grade Complaint, Non-Academic Complaint and Grade Appeals.
To file a complaint, students may contact the Office of the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention for an in-person meeting with the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention to discuss the policies and procedures. If unable to come to campus, students may request a phone or online meeting. Complaint forms will be provided after the meeting to ensure proper tracking. The complaint procedures apply to full-time and part-time students, regardless of instructional modality (traditional face-to-face vs. distance learning).
A copy of the policy and procedures may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention in the Harvin Center Room 204, the College’s website, the College Catalog or the Student Handbook.
Contact: Office of Student Engagement and Retention at 361-698-1277 for the proper request form.
* File requests will be completed within 45 days, upon receipt of form.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
After exhausting the institution's grievance/complaint process, current, former, and prospective students may initiate a complaint with THECB.
Page last updated April 23, 2024.