FacultyStaff Resources

Faculty/Staff Resources

B7.19 Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Policy for Students [Chapter7-Policy#B7.12 

Reporting an Incident:

Any member of the campus community may file an incident report regarding suspected student misconduct by contacting the Office of Student Engagement and Retention at 361-698-1277.  

Staff will provide an online reporting link where information regarding the incident in question can be detailed. The reporting system includes an option to upload any related documents such as photographs, screenshots of social media pages, messages etc.

In an EMERGENCY, immediately call Del Mar College Campus Security and Safety at 361-698-1199

For non-emergency security or safety issues call 361-698-1946.

Student Conduct:

Del Mar College has strict guidelines regarding acceptable student behavior and detailed processes for how the college will respond to violations. The Student Code of Conduct provides students with the information regarding the college’s expectations. 

Please contact the Office of Student Engagement and Retention at 361-698-1277 or studentconduct@delmar.edu as needed.

Students who wish to submit complaints of discrimination or harassment should contact the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention at 698-1277 or by visiting Harvin Student Center Room 204.

Student Conduct Review Process:
The Student Conduct Review Process is designed to be educational in nature.  Due to the educational design, rather than legal design of procedures, rules of evidence and discovery do not apply to the Student Conduct Process. Students are responsible for actions that constitute misconduct and violate the Student Code of Conduct.

When the Office of Student Engagement and Retention is made aware of a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct, it may be necessary to conduct an investigation. Upon completion of an investigation, a determination will be made on whether a conduct violation occurred or did not occur. Any student found responsible for misconduct may be subject to conduct sanctions.

Title IX, Gender Based Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault:

Incidents which involve student victims of harassment, discrimination, and/or sexual violence are to be reported to the Office of Student Engagement and Retention at 361-698-1277 or email Dean Rita Hernandez at rhernandez18@delmar.edu.

The Dean of Student Engagement and Retention is responsible for Title IX compliance for matters involving students, including training, education, communication, and administration of the grievance procedures for all complaints against DMC students. 

Additional resources, guidance, reporting and training information can be found on the Title IX page.

Pregnant and Parent Students' Rights

The linked resource details guidance for providing appropriate accommodations for pregnant students: Faculty Guidelines


Page last updated February 25, 2025.