Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Title graphic: Charting the Viking Way, 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, with picture of 3 four-point stars

Red four-point star with "Communicate, 24-29 Strategic Plan" in a circle around the starCommunicate. This community takes great pride in the mission we serve, and we want the world to know about it. From the basic needs of the students we serve, to the current and future needs of our community partners, this star focuses on putting collaborative plans into action.

+ Goal 1: Collaborate across the College
+ Goal 2: Connect beyond the College


Red four-point star with "Elevate, 24-29 Strategic Plan" in a circle around the starElevate. The higher education landscape is changing dramatically. The growing needs of our region have given rise to new programs and now a new outcomes-based funding model for community colleges. Our programs and processes must rise to meet the new challenges while keeping focused on the outcome for the students.

+ Goal 1: Increase completion for all students
+ Goal 2: Maximize resources entrusted to the College


Red four-point star with "Cultivate, 24-29 Strategic Plan" in a circle around the starCultivate. Culture and connectivity are important to the Viking community. How we welcome new students and new employees and then continue to serve their academic and professional development has profound implications on our success college wide. A great place to work and study improves retention and outcomes. 

+ Goal 1: Nurture our faculty and staff to achieve their full potential
+ Goal 2: Optimize the Viking Student Experience

Strategic Plan

2024-2029 Strategic Plan: Charting the Viking Way

Operation Plan

Operational Guide: Goals, Key Performance Indicators, Strategies

Values of the Viking Way" on teal background

INTEGRITYOperating with openness and honesty in all endeavors at the College.

COURAGEThe willingness to take on challenges and overcome barriers.

RESOURCEFULNESSUsing all that we have and committing all that we are to ensure student success.

COMMUNITYThe people we commit to serving through access and equity.

EMPATHYTo respect and honor the experience of others.

TRADITIONThe shared legacy of the people at Del Mar College who have learned, taught, and charted The Viking Way.

Strategic Planning Committee

Name Title
Dr. Dale Anderson Associate Professor, Speech
Rachel Benavides Dean, Continuing & Community Education
Crystal Bratton Executive Administrative Assistant
Matthew Busby Vice President, Development & Donor Advising
Belinda De La Cruz Senior Director, Corporate Services, Customized Training
Dr. Tammy Francis Assoc. Professor/ Reading Faculty Coord., Development Education
Dr. Angelica Gomez Director, Curriculum Alignment
Sara Greer Director IT, Web Services
Cody Gregg Director, Learning Resources
Jane Haas Senior Research Associate
Rita Hernandez Dean, Student Engagement & Retention
Nicole Kindzirsky Instructor, Industrial Technology
Jackie Landrum Assistant Comptroller & Budget Analyst
Lisa Leal-Garcia Coordinator, Student Engagement & Retention
Ana-Alyse Olivares Human Resource Manager
Jeff Olsen Chief of Staff and VP Marketing & Communications
Teri Samo Instructor, Management
Cheryl Sanders Associate VP, Student Affairs
Dr. Jennifer Sramek Dean - Business, Entrepreneurship, & Health Services
Michael Stineman Program Manager, Corporate Services
Melissa Stuive Public Service Chair, Associate Professor - EMT
Dr. Kristy Urbick Department Chair, Kinesiology & Education
Newman Wong Research Associate I


Dr. Natalie Villarreal
Executive Director of Strategic & Operational Initiatives

Dr. Sydney Saumby
Director of Accreditation & Assessment

Dr. Lucy James
Assessment Specialist

Page last updated March 3, 2025.