Chapter VIII Miscellaneous Procedures

Chapter VIII Miscellaneous Procedures

A8.1 Emergency/Disaster General Procedures:

A8.1.1 Provision for Safety:   Provide for the safety of students and staff to the extent possible.

A8.1.2 Requesting Emergency Services:   Request on-campus or off-campus emergency services as needed.

A8.1.2.1  If emergency warrants off-campus help, call 911 for Police, Fire, or Emergency Medical Assistance.

A8.1.2.2 For on-campus emergency assistance, call one of the following numbers:

Campus Emergency Assistance
Security Office Phone Extension
East Campus--daytime Ext. 1245
East Campus--evening Ext. 1282 and 1244
West Campus--daytime Ext. 1736
West Campus--evening ext. 1282 and 1244
East Campus Security 886-7419 (digital pager)
West Campus Security 880-2051 (digital pager)
Evening Coordinator 880-1169 (voice pager) After the signal, leave message and number.
After hours and on weekends ext. 1244

If you don't get a response in a reasonable length of time, try another number.

A8.1.3 Contacting the College Administrator: Once the immediate threat to people and property is controlled, contact the proper College administrator.

A8.1.3.1  East Campus CEO’s office--call 1203

East Campus Vice Presidents' offices--call 1259 or 1205

West Campus Dean's office--call 1700 or 1702

Evening Coordinator's office--call 1282

A8.1.3.2  Contact representative from College Relations Office. Call 1247.

A8.1.4 Prohibition of Discussion of Emergencies:  Do not discuss the emergency with anyone other than designated College officials, those who have responsibility for dealing with the emergency.  

A8.1.5 Inaccurate or Incomplete Information:   Inaccurate or incomplete information shared with students, news media, and others can lead to confusion, misplaced liability, uncalled-for panic, and even unnecessary litigation. Channel all inquiries to the proper College authorities.  

A8.1.6 Fire Extinguishers and First Aid Kits:   Familiarize yourself with the location of fire extinguishers and first aid kits within your workplace.  

A8.2 Responsibilities in Dealing with an Emergency or a Disaster:

A8.2.1 The Chief Executive Officer or a Designated Administrator:   The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or a designated administrator (1) gathers pertinent information concerning the emergency; (2) establishes a command post to deal with problems and handle inquiries; (3) designates a spokesperson for inquiries; and (4) approves statements for release.  

A8.2.2 Evening Coordinator or Personnel in the Physical Plant:   During evening hours, the Evening Coordinator or personnel in the Physical Plant are charged with immediate action in case of emergency.

A8.2.3 Channeling Inquiries: All inquiries, regardless of origin, should be channeled through the command post to avoid possible negative repercussions.

A8.2.4 Physical Facilities Personnel: Physical Facilities personnel (1) handle safety concerns for students and staff; (2) take necessary steps to minimize damage to facilities; (3) seal off area for the safety of people, security, or property and control of media coverage; and (4) allow only designated College officials into sealed area. 

A8.2.4.1  Requests from media to enter secured area must be approved by the CEO or a designated administrator and College Relations representative.

A8.2.5 College Relations Personnel:   College Relations personnel (1) use a list of media contacts to disseminate approved information; (2) assist with media requests as received; (3) use only proper directory information concerning students, faculty, and staff in answering inquiries; (4) coordinate media coverage to minimize College liability; (5) provide necessary assistance at the command post as needed; and (6) develop and disseminate information to media in the manner that is in the best interests of the College.

A8.2.6 College Faculty and Staff:  All other College faculty and staff (1) provide information concerning emergency to the CEO or a designated administrator, to Physical Facilities, and to College Relations personnel; (2) channel all requests for information as quickly as possible to College Relations personnel, who will be available at the command post; and (3) do not provide information to students, other staff, or news media.

A8.3 Medical and Related Crisis Situations on Campus:  The first priority is to assist the individual in crisis. The Good Samaritan Act of 1977 protects students and College personnel from lawsuits unless actions are "willfully and wantonly negligent."  

A8.3.1 Victims of Accidents:   For victims of accidents, render first aid to the extent of your training. Control bleeding and treat for shock. If needed, administer CPR if you are trained. Seek assistance if you are not. Do not move a person with broken bones. First aid kits are available in various offices. 

A8.3.1.1  Medical emergencies, other than an accident, that are likely to occur fall into a few categories. Epileptic seizure, both petit mal and grand mal, calls mainly for a cool head. Try to keep the victim from injury in falling. Be ready to reassure the victim upon recovery; try to minimize embarrassment. During the attack, the victim of petit mal or of narcolepsy should be helped to a chair. There is usually not a need to call an ambulance unless secondary injuries occur.  

A8.3.1.2  Check whether a choking victim can cough or speak at all. If so, just give the victim time to recover. If not, clear the victim's airway by an appropriate method.  

A8.3.1.3  For the apparent heart attack, or for the victim who is found unconscious, send for EMS Ambulance immediately (911). Then if you are trained, administer CPR until the EMS ambulance arrives. If the victim needs medical treatment or ambulance transportation, the victim will be billed by the City of Corpus Christi. If the victim refuses medical treatment, no one will be billed for the EMS ambulance call.  

A8.3.1.4  Revised December 5, 2023 If the victim is an employee, submit a report to the Office of Human Resources on the Employee Accident/Injury/Illness Form (EHS 001).

A8.3.1.5   If the victim is a student,submit a report on form ADM 028, titled "Accident/Illness Report" to the Office of the Chief Student Affairs Officer (CSAO).

A8.3.2 Contacts:  If a person appears to present a clear and imminent danger to self or others, call 911. If a student appears to be in personal/emotional crisis but does not appear to require medical intervention nor to present danger to self or others, the Counseling Office may be contacted; a member of the Counseling Office staff will help evaluate the situation and will assist in deciding how to respond.

A8.3.3 Transporting Victims to Physician/Hospital:   If the crisis/emergency warrants immediate professional assistance, call EMS for help. Do not put any person experiencing medical or emotional crisis in your personal vehicle or a College vehicle to transport to a physician or hospital.   

A8.4 Campus Security Emergency:  When a situation threatens the security of students and staff, protection of those people is the first priority.

A8.4.1 Call Numbers Listed Above  (A8.1.2.2)  

A8.4.2 Call 911.

A8.4.3 Alert Appropriate College Administrators.

A8.5 Fire and Explosion:  

A8.5.1 Call 911:   A 911 call can always be canceled if the emergency is controlled by campus personnel.  

A8.5.2 In Case of a Small Fire:   In case of a small fire, use nearest fire extinguisher and then contact Campus Security.  

A8.6 Bomb Threats:  All bomb threats should be considered "real" and dealt with accordingly.  

A8.6.1 Collecting Information:   Stay calm and listen to the entire call, noting as much information as possible concerning the threat and the caller. Never put the caller on hold.  

A8.6.2 Collecting Information:   As soon as you can determine that the call is a threat, note the exact time. Attempt to find out what kind of device, the time, and place it is set to explode -- and why the person wants to do this. Note whether the call originated from on or off campus. Pay attention to background noises, voice characteristics, and so on.

A8.6.3 Notifying Authorities:   As soon as possible, notify your supervisor or the Director of Physical Facilities, providing as much information as possible. 

A8.6.3.1  In the evening, call the Evening Coordinator or Central Plant. Call 1282 or 1244.

A8.6.4 Minimizing Publicity:  Help other College personnel minimize publicity. Experience shows that many bomb reports are a direct result of hearing other such reports. Once you have shared your report with the proper College administrators, they will make decisions and act accordingly.

A8.7 Hurricane Preparedness Plan:  This plan is intended to acquaint personnel with hurricane hazards, to indicate the action required to overcome or minimize these hazards, and to delineate responsibility in carrying out such action. A hurricane is a cyclonic storm which normally travels about 8 to 12 miles per hour and has a small center area of relative calm with an area of high wind velocity revolving counterclockwise about this center or "eye." Hurricane winds are defined as having a force greater than 75 mph; however, they have been recorded well over 180 mph. No buildings on either campus have been designated as refugee centers by the Civil Defense Center of this city.  Employees may not occupy buildings during a hurricane.  

A8.7.1 Hurricane Hazards and Preventative Measures:    

A8.7.1.1  Wind blowing against a building produces positive pressure on the windward side and negative pressure or suction on the opposite side of the building. When a window breaks or a door opens on the windward side of a building, wind builds up a positive pressure on the underside of the roof or on the inner side of the opposite wall. This, in combination with external suction pressure, can carry off a roof or force out the side of a building, especially if there are holes on the windward side. Therefore, it is important that all access areas be secured as tightly as possible.  

A8.7.1.2  Electrical hazards due to downed electrical lines are a major cause of injury or death during a storm. Exercise extreme care to avoid fallen wires and in the removal of such wires.

A8.7.1.3  Flying debris from damaged buildings and loose objects picked up and carried by the wind are responsible for much storm damage. Therefore, it is important to secure all loose items.  

A8.7.1.4  Damage can be caused by water leaking through roofs and broken windows and backing up in storm drains. It is important that all items in the vicinity of exterior walls be moved away from windows and doors and/or covered with plastic sheeting.

A8.7.2 Responsibilities:    

A8.7.2.1  The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) establishes broad policy relative to hurricane preparedness, consults with the Director of Physical Facilities as to the College’s current hurricane preparedness status, and communicates that status to the Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO).     

A8.7.2.2  The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) coordinates the storage of departmental records in the College vault.   

A8.7.2.3  The Chief Academic Officer (CAO) makes class cancellation decisions in consultation with other administrators, communicates this information to Deans, Directors, and department heads for campus notification and to the CPRO for off-campus dissemination to the media.   

A8.7.2.4  The Director of Physical Facilities coordinates overall hurricane disaster preparation, coordinates related activities and determines the appropriate hurricane condition level and/or recovery stage, communicates with the CEO and CPRO regarding the College's current hurricane status.  

A8.7.2.5  The CPRO communicates with the CEO and Director of Physical Facilities regarding the College's current hurricane preparedness status and  releases public information regarding the appropriate hurricane condition level and hurricane recovery stage, as well as other necessary information.  

A8.7.2.6  Director of Purchasing procures and stores all hurricane preparedness materials, takes necessary steps as outlined in section A8.7.3 of this plan, manages distribution of hurricane supplies as appropriate with each Condition and on a 24-hour basis when necessary.  

A8.7.2.7  Deans, Directors and department heads plan for the protection and safeguarding of all equipment and records contained within facilities under their supervision. See policy A8.7.3 of the plan for required action.   

A8.  Prior to a hurricane, assess the quantity of supplies (plastic sheeting, plastic bags, and tape) needed to cover equipment and/or protect records. Request supplies from the Purchasing Department.  

A8.  Prior to a hurricane, determine the departmental records requiring storage in the College vault. Coordinate vault storage with the CFO and CHRO.  

A8.  Designate departmental personnel to be involved in Stage One Recovery activities. At least two (2) staff members plus two (2) alternates should be designated for each building where employees under their supervision are located.  

A8.7.3 Conditions of Readiness and Required Actions:  

A8.7.3.1 Hurricane Condition IV (Hurricane exists and may strike within 72 hours): Order plastic sheeting, plastic bags, and tape from Purchasing Department, secure all non-essential equipment and/or records (Note: Those records not designated for storage in the College vault should be secured in a locked drawer or a cabinet located on a first floor interior room), and remove all personal belongings from campus.  

A8.7.3.2 Hurricane Condition III (Hurricane exists and may strike within 48 hours):  Store pre-authorized departmental records in the College vault, secure and store all loose equipment and remaining records which are adjacent to exterior walls, skylights, and atria.  

A8.7.3.3 Hurricane Condition II: Hurricane Watch (Hurricane exists and may strike within 36 to 24 hours):  Prepare to dismiss classes. Faculty and staff will remain on campus pending the completion of Condition II preparations. Deans, Directors and department heads will coordinate and ensure threat the following items are completed in the work areas under their supervision:

(a) Close and lock all windows. 

(b) Lower and latch all blinds.

(c ) Unplug all equipment from its power source.

(d) Cover all equipment and records which remain in the vicinity of any exterior walls, skylights, and atria with plastic sheeting or plastic bags and properly secure with tape.

(e) Turn off all lights.

(f) Close and lock all doors.

(g) Ensure that all faculty, staff, and students have vacated the building.

(h) Notify the Physical Facilities Department that the building is ready to be secured.

(i) Submit a list of Stage One Recovery (see below) personnel to the Physical  Facilities Department.

A8.7.3.4 Hurricane Condition I: Hurricane Warning (Hurricane strike is imminent. Winds exceeding 75 mph are expected in less than 24 hours):  All facilities will be secured and shut down at this time. Only Physical Facilities staff will remain on campus to complete shut down of Central Plant systems.  

A8.7.4 After the Hurricane has Passed:  Immediately after the hurricane, the following recovery procedures will be implemented. College personnel should monitor local radio stations for the College’s hurricane response stages.  

A8.7.4.1 Stage Zero:  Designated Physical Facilities staff return to campus to begin hurricane recovery operations.  

A8.7.4.2 Stage One:  Designated departmental staff return to campus to assist in damage assessment and clean-up efforts in their work areas.

A8.7.4.3 Stage Two:  The remainder of College personnel return to campus.

A8.7.4.4 Stage Three:  Classes resume and students may return to campus. Additional information will be communicated as necessary.

A8.7.5 Hurricane Supplies:  The  Purchasing Department stocks supplies each department or office will need to secure College property prior to a hurricane. Department heads will determine their supply needs in advance and request supplies from Purchasing.   

1. Plastic sheeting--available in rolls 20' wide by 100' long 
2. Plastic liners (bags) 33" by 40"--available 25 to a roll or 500 to a case 
3. Plastic liners (bags) 40" by 48"--available 25 to a roll or 250 to a case 
4. Plastic liners (bags) 24" by 33"--available 100 to a roll or 1000 to a case 
5. Masking  tape 3/4" wide--available in rolls 60 yards long

Other items such as flashing lights, batteries, and first aid kits may be ordered through Central Stores at departmental expense. 

A8.8 Computer Resources and Services:  Del Mar College will endeavor to provide computer resources and services necessary to effectively and efficiently serve instructional and administrative needs.

A8.8.1 VACANT  Revised February 09, 2024

A8.8.2 Procedure for Requesting Equipment or Software:  A Computer Hardware/Software Request Form must be initiated by the requesting party, advanced through the appropriate channels for signatures, and then forwarded to the chair of the Information Management Committee.  

A8.8.3 Procedure for Requesting Application Programming:  A Computer Application Request Form must be initiated by the requesting party, advanced through the appropriate channels for signatures, and then forwarded to the chair of the Information Management Committee.  

A8.8.4 Personal Computer Maintenance:   The Information Technology Department will facilitate the maintenance and repair of College-owned personal computers. The work will be done on campus by Information Technology personnel when feasible. If the equipment cannot be repaired on campus, Information Technology personnel will facilitate the repair off-campus.  

A8.8.4.1 Cost of Maintenance:  There will be no charge to the owning department for maintenance and repair work reported to and handled by the Information Technology Department. Costs associated with work not handled through the Information Technology Department will be the responsibility of the owning department.

Page last updated October 2, 2024.