Chapter III General Administration

Chapter III General Administration

B3.1 Administrative Relationships Since the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the College is responsible for the overall operation of the College, other administrative officers exercise authority only under the CEO’s direction and with the CEO’s consent. Official communication with members of the Board of Regents is directed by the College CEO.

A3.2 College Relationships:  The Office of College Relations operates under a Director who also serves as Assistant to the CEO for Community Relations.  The office provides expertise to promote the College and to project a central image of Del Mar College to the community.

A3.2.1 News Service:  All official contact with and monitoring of the media, either in person, by mail, or electronically will be handled through the College Relations Office.

A3.2.1.1  This office is the central clearinghouse for all information released to any news medium outside the College campus; it processes and distributes news and information to all appropriate media, including local, state, and national outlets, as warranted by the news item.

A3.2.1.2   News value for events and news items vary according to the scope of the item. To promote routine news items requires at least two (2) weeks' notice.

A3.2.2 Publications:  This office coordinates all College publications designed to inform the community about College activities.

A3.2.2.1  Office staff consults with other College staff and faculty to the determine the audience and message of requested publications.  Budget allocations, production specifications, and production timelines are determined based on the needs and resources of the College as a whole.

A3.2.2.2   Office staff will consult with the appropriate administrator on the design and copy; final approval to produce rests with the Director.

A3.2.3 Advertising:  The objectives of advertising are (1) to inform the community as to the offerings, opportunities, and programs of the College, and the terms, conditions, and merits of these programs; (2) to contribute to community understanding and awareness of the role of Del Mar as the community college of Corpus Christi; (3) to assist other offices in the functioning of the College in such matters as recruitment of students and personnel; and (4) to comply with legal requirements or specific College policy in such matters as sale or purchase of property.

A3.2.3.1  Although informality of style is permissible where appropriate, advertisements should reflect the positive status of the College; statements must be accurate.

A3.2.3.2  The Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO), under the direction of the CEO of the College, shall control all advertising, specific composition, and placement

A3.   The office initiating the advertisement shall work with the  CPRO to determine the audience; the message, including the accuracy of the information; the desired results; and the budget allocation, including input from appropriate supervisors.

A3.  The CPRO shall place advertisements so as to obtain the maximum benefit for the overall objectives of the College and for the specific programs being advertised. The CPRO shall select appropriate media so that these resources are effectively utilized.

A3.  The CPRO shall consider the maximum benefits relative to the costs involved.

A3.2.3.3   The CPRO shall coordinate divisional and departmental advertising subject to divisional and departmental input and approval. The advertising mix should portray a complete image of the College, including transfer programs, skills training, and continuing education.

A3.2.3.4  The Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) shall initiate and coordinate all advertising designed to recruit candidates for College employment.

A3.2.3.5   The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) shall initiate and coordinate all advertising to comply with legal requirements or specific College policy in such matters as sale or purchase of property.

B3.3 Accessibility/Custodianship of Records: The College will maintain appropriate open records as required for  all agencies of the State or political subdivisions, according to Texas and federal law, including those portions of documents, (writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, phone records, and other data compilations from which information can be obtained, translated, if necessary, by the College through detection devices into reasonably useable form) which contain public information.  Records considered confidential, according to FERPA and the Attorney General's guidelines and opinions, are accepted.

The College Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or designee develops and maintains a comprehensive system of student records and reports encompassing all facets of the College District program operation to include online instruction and ensures through reasonable procedures that records are accessed by authorized persons only.  Student data and records shall be stored in a safe and secure manner and shall be accessed and utilized by authorized school officials. DMC will comply with current State and Federal regulations regarding the protection of student records and student privacy.

B3.3.1 Privacy Act:   The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, otherwise known as "the Buckley Amendment," guarantees eligible students, those eighteen (18) years or older, access to their records, but guarantees privacy of these records from public disclosure, with certain exceptions, unless released by the student. Thus, student and personnel records are not open for public inspection, but records and general files accumulated in the conduct of the institution's business are open to the public.

B3.3.2 Responsibility:  Texas law provides that the chief executive of the agency is the custodian of these records, but that such authority may be delegated to other responsible officials within the agency.  

A3.3.2.1  Chairs of departments and Deans of divisions are responsible for records collected and maintained by their offices.

A3.  Records provided by one office to another are the primary responsibility of the originating office.

A3.   The Chief Information Officer will not release information from the data base in the computer except to the originator or to other appropriate College officials.  

A3.3.2.2  Revised December 5, 2023 The Office of Human Resources is responsible for personnel records of all College employees except work study students.

A3.   This office is responsible for providing confidentiality of these records from disclosure except as essential to the conduct of official College business or upon written release by the individual concerned.

A3. Personnel files will be secured in the HR Vault.

A3. The Executive Director of Human Resources will keep a list of employees who are authorized:

* to have access to the vault combination

* to have access to the vault

A3. The vault combination will be changed when key personnel transfer or leave employment.

A3.3.2.3  The Office of Payroll is responsible for payroll records of all College employees.

A3.   This office will confirm employment information in response to credit reference requests as outlined in the request and upon written release from the individual concerned. 

A3.   Salary information will be provided for credit references upon written request by the employee for mortgage applications or as required for confirmation by welfare, medical, or housing agencies.   

A3.3.2.4   The Registrar is responsible for directory information and education records of those persons who are or have been in attendance at the College, but not of persons who have merely applied for admission.

A3.  Directory information, which is considered public information, consists of name, current and permanent address, telephone number, date of birth, major field of study, classification, attendance, degrees and certificates received, most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, or similar information.

A3.  Education records are those records maintained by the institution directly related to the student.

A3.  Students who wish to review their records must present ID cards to personnel in the Registrar's Office.  

A3.  Students who wish to challenge any portion of their records must pursue the procedure outlined in the student grievance policy.    

A3.  Administrators, faculty, or staff within the limitations of their need to know, may have access to the student's record without prior written consent of the student, but they must have made their request for access through their Dean or the Chief Student Affairs Officer, who will determine the legitimate educational interest of the request.

A3.   The Registrar's Office will maintain a "Record of Requests" in each student's file on information released, including name and date, except those requests made by the student or school officials or for directory information.

A3.3.2.5  Other departments, including, but not limited to, Financial Aid, Placement, Special Services, Counseling, and educational departments such as those in the Health Science area, where special requirements exist to meet state licensing, may collect information and maintain student records as required to meet special admission and reporting requirements.

A3.   In each instance, the supervisor is responsible for the security, review, and release of information from such records as specified above.  

A3.   In addition to the foregoing restrictions, the Director of Financial Aid shall see that financial records and statements provided by parents are not available for inspection and review.

A3.4   Print Services:   The Print Services Department operates under the supervision of the Director of Purchasing and Business Services. The department should provide quality print and duplicating services to faculty and staff achieving goals of a short turn-around time and reduced costs compared to commercial printers. The department should provide the most current means of document transfer from faculty and staff to Print Services as well as direct delivery to reduce the time and personal involvement required by faculty and staff to obtain the final product. Print services should offer printing in color and black and white, printing of annual reports, brochures, business cards, newsletters and other documents, duplicating, binding, laminating, large format posters, cutting, padding and offset printing for envelopes, letterhead and invitations as well as other services having a large demand.

A3.5 Telephone Voice Mail, and Facsimile Services:  The telephone, voice mail, and facsimile services are provided for the conduct of College business. The services are not to be used for commercial purposes or non-College related activities. Personal use should be kept to a minimum. Usage of services provided by the College may be monitored.

A3.6 Mail and PBX Services:   The College will maintain a Mail and PBX Services Department which operates under the supervision of the Director of Purchasing and Business Services for the purpose of processing official College mail. The department should provide regular and bulk mail services as well as certified, priority, express and parcel mail services to College department for College mail. The department will be responsible for the distribution of all incoming College mail as well as the distribution of inter-campus mail. The department personnel must be aware of all College activities and which departments are responsible for specific activities to resolve the proper distribution of incoming calls.

B3.6 Institutionally Related Foundation:  The Del Mar College Foundation, Inc. was established in 1983 as private charitable foundation organized under provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and shall serve to support the College and its initiatives and mission. The College and Foundation shall maintain a Memorandum of Understanding establishing the relationship and procedures between the institutions.

B3.7 Naming of Building and Other Recognition:  Naming of facilities, programs and endowed positions is a way to recognize and honor distinguished donors, alumni and friends of Del Mar College and encourage support of the College mission. A College facility, position or program may be named in memory or honor of individuals, businesses, corporations, or organizations that have made significant and lasting contributions to the College. These contributions may be in the form of distinguished leadership and/or service, or substantial financial support to the College, either directly or through the Del Mar College Foundation, Inc. (Foundation).

The Board authorizes the administration to establish and manage policy and procedures for all naming processes. Those processes are to be maintained and managed by the College President, the Senior Leadership Team and the Foundation, working in collaboration. The administration will review and negotiate all naming proposals and submit recommendations to the Board for final approval.

In general, Naming Recognition processes and procedures shall be established wherein the naming is effective for the life of the facility, position or program. Naming Rights processes and procedures shall be established wherein the naming is effective for a designated term which is less than the anticipate life of the facility, position or program. Generally, Naming Rights with established term limits will be established at lower minimum investment levels than naming for the life of the program, position or facility.

A college position, program, unit, division or facility may be eligible for endowed naming if the gift is in the form of an endowment with the Foundation and established at a level to generate sufficient income to support the established goals of the endowment.

Campuses and Complexes shall not be subject to naming recognition or naming rights as those collections of facilities are better reserved for geographic, functional or related descriptions. No person is eligible for naming recognition while holding elected public office or while currently employed by the College.

Minimum Monetary Values (MMV) shall be established for donor naming based on construction costs, estimated value or replacement costs, in the case of facilities, or the operating costs, in the case of programs and College position endowments. MMVs shall range from 30% to 100% based on costs/value and age of facility; operational costs in case of positions and programs, prominence of naming recognition opportunity and term of naming option.

A 3.7.1 Naming Definitions:  The follow definitions are provided for the purposes of this policy.

  1. "Facility" includes buildings, rooms, interior spaces, exterior spaces (gardens, courts plazas, memorials, markers, etc.), streets, open spaces and all other tangible and relatively permanent features owned, operated, or controlled by the College.
  2. "Building" refers to a complete independent facility, e.g. the Memorial Classroom Building.
  3. "Program” includes academic colleges, departments, institutes, centers and other units associated with College functions.
  4. “Donor” refers to a person, including a person’s estate, or entity, including an organization or company, seeking to make a gift to the College or Foundation.
  5. “Honoree” refers to a person or entity for whom or for which a facility, program or position is proposed to be named.
  6. “Senior Leadership Team” refers to the President’s leadership group comprised of the members of the Executive Team and other individuals as designated by the President.
  7. “Minimum Monetary Value (“MMV”) refers to the calculated minimum donation required for naming consideration.
  8. “Naming Recognition” refers to any and all naming processes and are considered for the life of the facility, position or program.
  9. “Naming Rights” refers to those naming designations that will be limited in duration.
  10. “Endowed Naming” refers to the establishment of an endowment to support any college facility, position or program wherein a contribution has been provided to establish an endowment at a level to generate income for associated costs.
  11. “Campus or Complex” refers to a distinct physical space encompassing the full and complete facilities associated with that location, e.g., Heritage Campus, Windward Campus.


A3.7.2 Naming for Distinguished Leadership or Service: Any person may submit a request for a College facility, position or program to be named in memory or honor of an individual, business, or organization due to their distinguished leadership or service. The request must be submitted to the Board through the College President. Requests must be in writing on appropriate forms and accompanied by the required supporting documentation.  Forms, guidelines and instructions are available through the College President’s Office. The President will establish a review process and submit the vetted proposal to the Board for consideration and final approval.

The following attributes are required for request for naming to be considered:

  1. Individuals must exemplify a history of personal integrity and exemplary distinguished service which positively impacted the College, community or greater society.
  2. Businesses or organizations must exemplify a history of high integrity, a mission that aligns with the College mission; and a history of partnership with the College.

The burden of proof for the worthiness of a nomination belongs to the nominator. In each case, the Board will develop a timeline and consider each nominee carefully. At any time in the naming request process, the Board may choose to end said process. The decision of the Board is final.

A3.7.3 Naming for Gift of Significance: Individuals, corporations and other organizations may be considered for naming recognition if they have made significant financial contributions to the College and/or Foundation. Requests must be submitted in writing on appropriate forms through the President’s Office and coordinated through the Chief Development Officer and the Development/Foundation Office. Forms, guidelines, criteria and instructions are available through the College President’s Office or the Development/Foundation Office. The President and Senior Leadership Team will consider and render recommendations and forward to the Board for final approval.

Determination of what constitutes a significant financial contribution is made on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration: the total cost of the project/facility; new construction, renovation or existing facility; prominence of the naming opportunity; current project, program or position, length of the naming designation and other relevant factors. Ranges are generally between 30% and 70%. MMVs are considered minimums for each naming opportunity and College representatives are encouraged to seek higher investment amounts in their negotiations with donors to support the mission of the College.

For the purpose of naming a facility for a gift of significance to the College, a donor’s gift must fall within the following funding level ranges:

Gift Range Table
Naming Recognition Gift Range
Major College Building 30% to 100%
Lobby 30% to 100%
Lecture Hall 30% to 100%
Laboratory 30% to 100%
Classroom 30% to 100%
Open Space 30% to 100%
Unscheduled/Unplanned Facility 100% construction plus endowed maintenance fund

A3.7.4 Naming for Endowed Gifts: Individuals, corporations and other organizations may be considered for naming recognition of an endowed position or program or an endowment to support a facility’s operational expenses. These gifts should be at a level to transforms the nature of the position or program involved, enabling the College to reach a level of excellence that would have been extremely difficult using state or College funds alone.

The gift should be in the form of an endowment established at the Foundation with the income from the endowment used to provide the margin of excellence for the position or program involved and should not replace state funds previously made available. In the case of endowed positions, the endowment should be at a level to support the associated costs of the endowed position, including salary, benefits and associated costs, either entirely or to add to state funding previously available.

Levels for endowed naming recognition will be made on a case-by-case basis with general levels provided below.

Naming Recognition Table
Naming Recognition Gift Range
Program-Division Name $1,000,000
Position $1,000,000
College-wide Center/Institute $1,500,000

Establishment of endowments shall be coordinated through the Foundation. The Chief Development Officer and the President’s Office will work in collaboration with specific units or divisions to determine the appropriate levels.  The Chief Development Officer will work with the donor on the endowment process. Requests must be submitted in writing on the appropriate forms through the President’s Office and coordinated through the Chief Development Officer and the Development/Foundation Office. Forms, guidelines, criteria and instructions are available through the College President’s Office or the Development/Foundation Office. The President and Senior Leadership Team will consider and render recommendations and forward to the Board for final approval.

A3.7.5 Procedures: The College President and/or appropriate designee/s will develop and manage all naming procedures. A formal contractual agreement between Del Mar College and/or Del Mar College Foundation, Inc. and the parties involved will be executed in the case of Naming for a Gift of Significance.

A3.7.6 Changed Circumstances and Naming Removal: The College President and/or Board reserves the right to withdraw or repurpose the privilege of name association with DMC as follows:

  1. In the event that the life of the naming option has concluded due to changes in programming, staffing or the facility is closed, significantly renovated, or replaced, then the naming will not remain. In such event, the Donor, if available, and President will have the right to mutually agree upon another available and equivalent naming opportunity with no additional payment required.
  2. In the unlikely and unanticipated event the President and/or the Board determines in its reasonable, good faith and substantiated opinion that circumstances have changed such that the Naming chosen by the Donor would adversely impact the reputation or mission of the College. Such termination will require action by the Board and may not occur until the Donor is provided with a full and fair opportunity to address the President and Board prior to any such action or termination. In such event, the Donor, if available, and President will have the right to mutually agree upon another available and equivalent naming opportunity with no additional payment required.

Unless otherwise established in the formal contractual agreement, the duration of the naming rights shall last the lifetime of the facility, program or position.

B3.8 Operation of Vehicles/Equipment on College Business: All employees who are assigned to duties that require operation of College vehicles and motorized equipment and/or who are receiving compensation for the operation of a personal vehicle for College business shall operate those vehicles according to current state and federal law and appropriate College procedures.

A3.8.1 Requirements: In order to drive College vehicles and/or use personal vehicles for College business, employees must have a current Texas Operator's License appropriate for the vehicle to be driven and must meet the following criteria: No DWI (driving while intoxicated) convictions within the last five (5) years and/or fewer than four (4) moving traffic violation convictions within a three (3) year period.

A3.8.2 Considerations: All traffic violation convictions, whether the violation was on personal time or on College time, will be considered.

A3.8.3 Grounds for Termination: Employees charged with and convicted of DWI while using a College vehicle may be subject to immediate termination; any employee who is unable to perform assigned duties as a result of not meeting the criteria set forth in this policy will be terminated. Such conviction shall constitute legal cause for termination of any employee. Employees may use the discharge, non-renewal, or discontinuance of employment procedure to contest termination ( B5.12 Discharge, Nonrenewal, Termination, Release, or Discontinuance of Employment).

B3.9 Resident Classification: The Board authorizes the administration to establish student residency classifications as approved by The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and related state statutes.

A3.9.1 Minors: Minors enrolled as nonresident students may be reclassified as resident students after their parents have been legal residents of the State of Texas for twelve (12) months.

A3.9.2 Adults: Adults enrolled as nonresidents may be reclassified as resident students after they have been legal residents of the State of Texas for twelve (12) months.

A3.9.3 Exceptions:   

A3.9.3.1 Military: Military service personnel and their dependents whose duty station and residence are within the confines of the State of Texas are classified as residents of the State and of the College District.

A3.9.3.2 Other Residency Exceptions: Other residency exceptions will be determined by the Office of Admissions and Registration.

A3.10 Form Numbering System: The College has a standardized method of interdepartmental form identification, which consists of a three-letter departmental code, a three-digit sequence code, a three-digit year and revision number code. Example: PER 101 86 1.

A3.10.1 New/Revised Form: New and revised forms should be submitted to the Chief Human Resources Officer for assignment of an identification code.

A3.10.2 Distribution: After the identification code has been assigned, the form will be returned to the originating department for duplication and distribution; a master file of forms will be kept in the office of the Chief Human Resources Officer.

B3.11 Public Speech: Revised July 23, 2024 Del Mar College supports all individuals’ First Amendment right to free speech, and it is committed to intellectual growth and exploration by means of the free exchange of ideas.  Accordingly, the College encourages campus groups and individuals to speak or to invite speakers to the campus, particularly those whose presentations are consistent with the free exchange of ideas and with the mission and goals of the College.  Other speakers that promote these goals are welcome on the campus, as well.

The College recognizes that free speech will sometimes provoke and disturb, but any constitutionally permitted form of speech is permitted on campus.  Speakers assume responsibility for any violation of law or policy that they may commit on campus, and no public speech activities will be permitted to interfere with the normal activities of the institution.  The views expressed by any outside speaker are not necessarily those of the College or of any sponsoring organization or faculty member. 

The College and its Regents, employees and students will abide by all state, local, and federal laws and Del Mar College policies regarding public speech, campaigning, and other political activities on College property or at official College functions.  Del Mar College is required by State law and by this policy to remain neutral in all partisan political activities, issues, and campaigns.  Any political candidate, or proponent or opponent of a political issue, who speaks on campus does so without the endorsement of Del Mar College.  The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the College or designee is responsible for encouraging free public speech on campus and for decisions regarding scheduling and compliance with this policy. This public speech policy does not apply to any classroom or instructional activity, with the exceptions specified in A3.11.3 and A3.11.4.

A3.11.1 Invited Speakers: Any officially recognized student organization, faculty member, faculty organization, or other campus unit may invite outside speakers to the campus.  Outside speakers may provide their own security forces only when approved in advance by the CEO or his designee.  The presentations of outside speakers may be recorded for review by the administration or the Board of Regents.

A3.11.2 Non-invited Speakers: Individuals unconnected with Del Mar College are invited to speak publicly on campus after they notify and register with the Office of the Chief Student Affairs Officer (CSAO), the Office of the Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) or the Office of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).  Individuals who wish to speak will be supplied with a copy of this public speech policy.  The office contacted will ensure that any necessary security precautions or other preparations are in place and will direct speakers to centrally located public forum venues where significant pedestrian traffic would reasonably be expected.

The College is committed to making all preparations for non-invited speech as quickly as is reasonably possible and in no case will take longer than 24 hours.  Non-invited speakers are not permitted to use electronic amplification, bullhorns, whistles, drums, or any other noisemaking device that may disrupt the campus environment.  Non-invited speakers may not use any campus resources, equipment, or security and are not entitled to assistance from College personnel, or special parking privileges.  Non-invited speakers may not electronically record students or College employees without their express written consent.  No individual, group, or other organization may use the College name to indicate or imply College sponsorship or endorsement without the express authorization of the institution.  Non-invited speakers shall hold the College harmless from any or all damages caused by speaking publicly on campus.

A3.11.3 Political Speech: Texas Government Code Section 556.004 (Prohibited Acts of Agencies and Individuals) prohibits any state agency, including Del Mar College, from using state appropriations for financing or supporting the candidacy for any person for political office.  Further, a State officer or employee may not use official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election or for any other political purpose.  Finally, a State officer or official is prohibited from interfering in any way with contributions for political purposes. Accordingly, while Del Mar College faculty, staff, and students retain all constitutional rights and privileges related to freedom of speech and participation in political activities, the College requires them to avoid any behavior that might reasonably be construed as official College endorsement or official College support of political candidates or activities.  No College funds, services, or supplies may be used to influence the outcome of any election or for political activity.  College facilities may be used by outside political groups and candidates only after appropriate rental fees and charges for other services are paid.  Only requests for such use that can be reasonably and safely accommodated without detracting from the mission, purpose, and normal operation of the College will be approved.

The renting entity will be responsible for displaying signs near the venue for the event with the following wording:  "By law and by policy, Del Mar College is required to remain neutral in political activities.  The use of Del Mar College facilities and property by candidates and political organizations does not imply or indicate support for any candidate or political party."  Candidates for political office may not be invited to campus to speak publicly or in classrooms about their campaigns or to promote their candidacy except that candidates may hold a press conference on campus to announce their candidacy.  In addition, individuals or groups may sponsor political forums if they invite all candidates for an office or all sides of a political issue and if the purpose of the forum is informational or educational.

A3.11.4 Speech Limitations:   Del Mar College permits and encourages the exercise of all constitutionally protected speech.  Nevertheless, the College reserves the rights to deny, cancel, or postpone an invitation to a speaker or to terminate any ongoing speech activity as specified in   All speech activity is subject to the availability of the requested meeting place, and no speech activity will be permitted to interfere with the normal operations of the College.  Any speech activity that requires College funds will be subject to the availability of those funds.

The College prohibits speech that advocates or reasonably appears to advocate (1) the violent overthrow of the government of the United States, the State, or any political subdivision thereof; (2) the willful destruction or seizure of the institution's buildings or other property; (3) the disruption or impairment by force of the institution's regularly scheduled classes or other educational functions; (4) the physical harm, coercion, intimidation, or other invasion of lawful rights of the administrative officials, faculty members, or students; and/or (5) other campus disorder of a violent nature.

A3.11.5 Sanctions and Enforcement: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the College or designee may enforce sanctions (or appropriate disciplinary action under College policy) on speakers or anyone else who fails to comply with this procedure or these Board policies.  Violators will be subject to the following sanctions:  (1) an order to leave the premises of the meeting or event; (2) an order to leave all property owned or controlled by the institution on a temporary or permanent basis; and/or (3) arrest for criminal trespass or other legal action.  The Chief Student Affairs Officer (CSAO), the Chief of Police, and the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) are designated as authorized representatives of the CEO for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this policy.

B3.12 Disruptive Physical Activities: The Board of Regents authorizes the appropriate administrators to initiate measures to prohibit any person or persons from using or threatening to use physical force, or inflict physical harm which might tend to disrupt the operations of the College.

B3.12.1 Sanctuary: Del Mar College offers no sanctuary to any individual or group that advocates the initiation or use of physical force or physical activity that interferes with the orderly operation of any part of the institution.

B3.12.2 Action: By authority of the Board, the administration and officials of Del Mar College are directed to act, immediately and without hesitation, to expel any student and to eject from the campus and criminally prosecute any student or any other person guilty of such tactics. 

B3.12.3 Speech Constituting "Harassment" or "Discrimination": Speech or other activity constituting “harassment”, or “discrimination”, or a “hostile environment”, that is based on a person’s protected classification, including race, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, or any other protected classification, violates the legal rights of others and Del Mar College is legally obligated to respond appropriately.  The protections of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also encompass antisemitism and other forms of discrimination when based on shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics.  For more information, please see:  U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Fact Sheet:  Harassment based on Race, Color, or National Origin on School Campuses (July 2024); U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Dear Colleague Letter: Protecting Students from Discrimination, such as Harassment, Based on Race, Color, or National Origin, including Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (May 2024); Texas Executive Order GA-44 (March 2024); Texas Government Code Section 448.001 (definition of “antisemitism”).

B3.13 Prohibition of Possession of Weapons:  Del Mar College prohibits weapons on campus, at College events, or in vehicles operated under College authority, except as to those duly licensed or authorized by law according to Texas Government Code, Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Section 411.2032 or approved for instruction in specialized programs.

A3.13.1 Prohibition and Definitions: With the exception of those duly authorized by law or approved for instruction in specialized programs, all persons (including students, employees, and members of the public) are prohibited from carrying or possessing, or causing to be present, any weapons or facsimiles of weapons anywhere on Del Mar College campuses or property, including but not limited to any buildings, grounds, driveways, streets, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, parking garages, and parking areas, or in any Del Mar College vehicle or on any grounds or building at which an activity sponsored by Del Mar College is being conducted, unless pursuant to written authorization by the College. "Weapon" is defined to include any firearm, illegal knife, club, or prohibited weapon as defined or listed in Sections 46.01 and 46.05 (a) of the Texas Penal Code.

B3.14 Travel:  The administration shall devise and implement a system(s) for making payments for travel on College business. Such system(s) shall operate within the limits of the College budget and should be reviewed and, if necessary, modified from time to time. Requests for travel within the confines of the fifty states of the United States must be approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor.  This policy shall also be used for expenditures and/or reimbursements by the Regents of the Board as deemed necessary by the Chair of the Board in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the College.  See policy A3.14.11 for international travel requirements. Any or all policies listed below are subject to restrictions identified under federal or state grants and therefore must follow rules subject to those specific programs.

A3.14.1 Site Selection:   In those instances in which a conference or travel destination is offered in multiple locations, the closest location offering the most reasonable overall cost to the College should be selected. The major factors to consider are the costs of airfare, mileage, and hotel accommodations.

A3.14.2 Prepayments:  The College will prepay airfare, hotel, and registration fees. To insure prepayments are handled timely, employees should submit an application for prepayment at least ten 10 working days prior to the date of the trip. The application must include registration form, meeting agenda (if available) and hotel information, i.e., address, confirmation number, etc. No advances to employees will be made for meals, mileage, or incidentals. Exceptions include staff and faculty sponsors of official College student groups.  See policy B3.14.10 below. Funds advanced for a trip canceled or not taken must be returned. Funds already expended that are non-refundable must be documented on the expense report. Documentation as to why the trip was not taken must be attached to the Statement of Travel Expense (such as physician's certification of health reasons and/or documentation of emergency).

A3.14.3 Travel Expense Form:   Employees must submit a Statement of Travel Expense within 30 days after returning from a trip. Employees not submitting reports and accompanying documentation to their immediate supervisor within thirty (30) days after the end of the conference date are subject to a payroll deduction for all prepaid expenses. Future travel approvals and prepayments will not be granted to employees having outstanding travel reports past the required submission date.  Should total travel expenses not exceed the amount approved under the original application, then the completed Statement of Travel Expense should be given only to the employee's supervisor to sign and then submitted to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  Should total travel expenses exceed the amount approved under the original application, signatures are again required at each level. Statement of Travel Expense Reports received in the Business Office with all proper authorizations and documentation by 3:00 p.m. each Wednesday shall be processed by Friday of the same week.  Under no circumstances shall the travel expense form be used for anything other than its intended purposes, e.g., purchase of office or instructional supplies, equipment, etc.

A3.14.4 Agenda:  A conference/meeting agenda should be included, if available, with the statement of travel expense, indicating location, date and time of meetings, and listing of meals provided.  A summary of the workshops and sessions attended must be submitted with the travel expense form.  Travelers who do not attend sessions at the approved conference/meeting will not receive reimbursement of travel expenses and must reimburse the College for any prepayment, unless documentation of emergency or physician採s certification of health reasons is provided.

A3.14.5 Transportation:  The intent of the College's transportation policy is to minimize travel costs through the use of available lower fares, discounts, and other options, while not significantly inconveniencing the traveler.

A3.14.5.1 Airline Travel:

A3.  Travelers are requested to make reservations in advance whenever possible to take advantage of airline discounts.

A3.  All employees will travel with coach class tickets.

A3.  The passenger receipt included with the airline ticket must be submitted for expense reimbursement.

A3.   Travel should be by air on trips requiring more than one day by automobile.

A3.14.5.2 Personal Vehicle:

A3.  Employees will be reimbursed for use of personal automobiles when the College requires such usage for travel. Amount eligible for reimbursement shall be limited to actual mileage to and from location. Other mileage shall be reimbursed but only when a business purpose can be established.

A3.  Effective date February 1, 2013, the mileage reimbursement rate is the current maximum rate allowed by the IRS and approved by the college ($.565 per mile).

A3.  When more than one person is traveling, carpooling is encouraged.  The owner of the vehicle should claim the mileage expense reimbursement.  The other  members of the carpool are not entitled to any reimbursement under these circumstances.

A3.  When only one employee is traveling, the amount of reimbursement will not exceed the cost of a round trip, 21-day advanced fare.

A3.  A gasoline receipt or some other evidence of the area visited (i.e., dated restaurant receipt from town visited, parking receipt, hotel invoice) must accompany requests for reimbursement for official use of private vehicle.  A conference/meeting agenda does not, in and of itself, constitute sufficient evidence.

A3.  Additional days of travel over and above time normally required by air will be deducted from vacation time or taken as leave without pay.

A3.  Expenses incurred during additional days of travel by automobile will not be reimbursed.

A3.  Employees requesting reimbursement for local travel or travel between campuses are required to submit the Mileage Reimbursement Log along with their Statement of Travel Expense. The log must contain the date of travel, number of miles, meeting attended, or other information explaining the necessity for the travel, and the person contacted, if applicable. At no time will an employee be reimbursed for mileage incurred where a courier service is provided by the College, e.g., picking up or delivery of mail, picking up supplies, etc. Local travel is defined as that area being serviced by the College.

A3.14.5.3 College Vehicle:

A3.  College automobiles are available for use by authorized Del Mar employees with a valid Texas driver's license for official College business.

A3.  Reservations for the use of College automobiles will be made in the Purchasing Office.

A3.  Employee reimbursement shall be limited to actual out of pocket expenses incurred, i.e., gas, oil, etc.

A3.  College vehicles may not be taken out of the country without the advance approval of the CEO of the College.

A3.14.5.4   Automobile Rentals:

A3.  Automobiles may be rented only with prior approval given by CEO, when public transportation and taxis are impractical, more expensive, or not available and only when traveling out of town.  An application for Rental of Vehicle for College Travel must be completed and submitted to the Purchasing Office.  Reservations for rental vehicles will be made through the Purchasing Office.

A3.  Vehicles up to an intermediate (mid-size) class are customary for individual travelers. The next size class may be rented when three or more people are traveling together.

A3.   Reimbursable items include the actual cost of the rental, tolls, and gasoline purchases.

A3.14.5.5 Taxi and Car Service: 

A3.  Taxi and car service used for business-related travel to and from airports or within out-of-town locations are reimbursable expenditures. The amount of reimbursement is equal to the actual fare, tolls, "extra" charge for luggage, passengers, and the like. Taxis and car services used for travel to and from local airports are reimbursable when they are a cost-effective means of transportation.

A3.14.5.6  Travel in a Foreign Country: Use of College automobiles is restricted to official school business, and travel into a foreign country is prohibited without the advance approval of the CEO of the College

A3.14.6 Hotel Accommodations:  Hotel expense will be reimbursed at the single rate. Moderate class hotels provide the best value and their usage is preferable unless there is no moderate class hotel in the city or unless the particular location of the hotel is not cost beneficial, i.e., save on the hotel but spend more on transportation. This policy will not apply when an employee is participating in a seminar or convention for which the sponsoring organization has booked blocks of rooms at a specific hotel. Del Mar employees are eligible for and expected to use the Texas hotel and tax exemption when available. Employees should obtain a copy of the College's tax exemption certificate to be presented at check-in. An itemized receipt must be attached to the Statement of Travel Expense Report.

A3.14.7 Meals and Incidentals:  The College's reimbursement for meals is based on the Federal government's average per diem meals and incidental expense rate for cities throughout the United States. Reimbursement for meals is only when travel requires an overnight stay (specified by IRS regulations). Meal allowance will be provided as follows: 

Breakfast - $10.00

Lunch - $15.00

Dinner - $26.00

Incidentals - $3.00

Total - $54.00

- if the employee departs before 6:00 a.m.
Lunch - if the employee is away from the College after 1:00 p.m.  
Dinner - if the employee is away after 6:00 p.m.  

Employees may charge the "incidentals" portion of the per diem allowance for each overnight stay they are out of town traveling on business. 
Per diem may not be claimed if meals are included with the conference/meeting fees.

A3.14.7.1  The College will not reimburse for meals for local travel.  

A3.14.7.2  When traveling out of town, no receipts shall be required for submission unless required by federal or state grants or other contracts.  Partial-day meal allowances are not allowed for employees traveling for partial days, unless when combined with a required overnight stay.

A3.14.7.3  Employees, with the exception of the College CEO, will not be reimbursed for meals for other individuals.

A3.14.7.4  The College CEO may be reimbursed for meals in conjunction with official College-related meetings/activities.  An itemized receipt must be submitted, along with the name(s) of those whose meals were purchased, and the purpose of the meeting.

A3.14.8 Long Distance Telephone Calls:  All business-related calls are reimbursable if the name,  number, and purpose of the call are attached to the travel expense form.

A3.14.9 Non-Reimbursable Expenses:  The following types of expenses are non-reimbursable under any circumstances and are not intended to be inclusive.

A3.14.9.1  Liquor bills (other non-alcoholic similar beverages are reimbursable if itemized on bar bill).

A3.14.9.2  Personal or extra-cost services, such as barber, beautician, manicurist, shoeshine, and massage.

A3.14.9.3  Special room services, such as in-room movies.

A3.14.9.4  Additional charges for room upgrades, poolside rooms, or special floors (except for those requiring special accommodations for a handicap).

A3.14.9.5  Clothing, regardless of circumstances.

A3.14.9.6  College and University alumni dues.

A3.14.9.7  Individual membership dues except as approved by the CEO when the College can receive benefits of membership only through individual membership.

A3.14.9.8  Credit card fees.

A3.14.9.9  House sitting.

A3.14.9.10  Parking tickets and traffic fines.

A3.14.9.11   Pet boarding charges.

A3.14.9.12  Political contributions.

A3.14.9.13  Charitable contributions.

A3.14.9.14  Toiletries.

B3.14.10 Student Travel:  College sponsored activities requiring student groups or registered student organizations to travel to reach an activity or event that is located off campus, shall conform to the student travel policies established by the administration.

A3.14.10.1 Use of Private Vehicles:   Del Mar College personnel and students are not authorized to use their own vehicle to transport students to and from college-sponsored activities and are responsible for any liability that may arise from such use.  

A3.14.10.2 Rented Vehicles:   The College does not provide college-owned vehicles for the use of transporting students to college-sponsored events.  The College, through a local car rental agency, will arrange rental of a vehicle to transport students, if prior approval is obtained from the College.  The following policies related to rental of a vehicle will be in effect:

A3.   The rental of a vehicle to transport students must be for official college business and must be operated only by a Del Mar College employee having a valid driver採s license, who is 21 years of age or older.

A3.   The authorized driver of a rental vehicle must hold a current license and be qualified to operate the particular rented vehicle.

A3.   The authorized driver must have an acceptable driving record and may not have had a DWI or DUI citation within the last five years.

A3.   The authorized driver will ensure that only college employees and students are transported in the rented vehicle and that the vehicle’s passenger capacity is not exceeded and all College policies are adhered to.  The faculty sponsor for the student group must list all passengers to be transported in the rented vehicle to the Chief Student Affairs Officer’s (CSAO) Office and the Purchasing Department prior to the scheduled trip.

A3.   The authorized driver becomes personally responsible for all liabilities relating to the rental of the vehicle for violating policies governing vehicle rentals.

A3.   The authorized driver and passengers are each responsible for using seat belts and other safety equipment while the vehicle is in motion.

A3.   The authorized driver must get enough rest to prevent fatigue, and must take reasonable safety precautions, to ensure the safety of the passengers.

A3.14.10.3 Travel Forms: The faculty sponsor of any student group who will travel off campus will submit the following forms:  Application for Rental of Vehicle for College Travel (ADM 201), Calendar Request for Special Activities, Student Travel Leave Request, and the Waiver of Liability (for each student traveling to any school sponsored event). The faculty/staff member sponsoring/accompanying the student travel must also complete the Professional Travel and Development Leave form (FIN013) for themselves.

A3.14.10.4 Foreign Travel:  Foreign travel by student groups requires prior approval of the CEO of the College (see policy A3.14.11).

A3.14.11 International Travel:   International travel by College personnel requires advance review and recommendation by the immediate supervisor, Department Chair, Dean, and respective Vice President, and approval of the CEO. To be eligible, a request for international travel must meet the following criteria:

A3.14.11.1   Justification must address the benefit to students, in particular to teaching and/or learning and address the goals of the department. Research benefits alone are insufficient grounds.

A3.14.11.2   The travel expense must also be planned in the development of the departmental budget, and unit plans for the subsequent year in which the trip is to take place.

A3.14.11.3  The individual is responsible for obtaining health and liability (as necessary) insurance coverages and assure the College thereof in advance of the trip.

A3.14.11.4  The College total limit of expenses in support of one person's international travel is $1,500 per trip, per year.

A3.14.11.5  All regular College travel reporting requirements and procedures for reimbursement apply.

A3.14.12 Reimbursement for On-Campus Job Interviews Requiring Travel:  Del Mar College may fully reimburse any candidate invited for an on-campus job interview requiring travel and/or overnight stay in Corpus Christi for the following:

A3.14.12.1  Round trip coach air fare or auto mileage at the College-approved reimbursement rate not to exceed the cost of round trip coach air fare. (Candidate will make personal flight arrangements.)

A3.14.12.2  Hotel accommodation -- Room and tax only.

A3.14.12.3  Transportation to and from airport/hotel/campus -- Tax or similar service; car rental up to $55 per day.

A3.14.12.4  Meals -- Reimburse up to the Del Mar College meal per diem rates (receipts required).

A3.14.12.5  Del Mar College will not reimburse for alcoholic beverages, or any other expenditures which are not mentioned above. If special circumstances arise, requests for consideration are to be directed to the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) or designee.

A3.14.12.6   If a candidate is offered the position for which he/she is being interviewed but declines the position, the College will not make any reimbursement for expenditures connected with the on-campus interview.

A3.15 On-Campus Parking:  Del Mar College has developed regulations for the purpose of proper identification of vehicles of persons who have legitimate business with the College; to ensure safety/notification of students/faculty and other persons in an emergency; to ensure pedestrian safety; to provide orderly parking, traffic and use of parking facilities through the purchase and issuance of vehicle identification permits; and to provide for enforcement in the event of violation.  The operation of a motor vehicle on Del Mar College property is governed by College policies and regulations, as specified in the Del Mar College Parking Rules and Regulations.

B3.16 Manual of Policies and Procedures:  The Manual of Policies and Procedures is maintained by the Office of Administration.  The College's policies and procedures are divided into three levels:  (1) Board policies, which are developed by the Board of Regents or the administration and approved by the Board in order to provide general direction for the College; (2) administrative procedures, which are developed and approved by the administration for the purpose of implementing Board policy; and (3) operational procedures electronically linked to the Manual of Policies and Procedures, which are developed by departments and units for the purpose of implementing administrative procedures and Board policies.  Additions and revisions to policies and administrative procedures will be presented to appropriate employee groups and councils for review and recommendations.

B3.17 College Publications:  The College will publish for the information of students, staff, and others a Del Mar College Catalog and other informational publications as-needed that communicate College curriculum, accreditation, student support services, and procedures.

B3.18 Publication Requirements:  The College Catalog and selected other major publications of the College shall contain the following statement of provisions and information:

B3.18.1 Provisions and Information:   "The provisions and information set forth in this publication are intended to be informational and not contractual in nature. Thus, this publication is not intended, and shall not be construed, to constitute a contract between the Del Mar College District (Del Mar College) and any student, prospective student, agency of the local, state, or federal government, or any other person or legal entity of any and every nature whatsoever. Del Mar College hereby reserves and retains the right to amend, alter, change, delete, or modify any of the provisions of this publication at any time, and from time to time, without notice, in any manner that the Administration or the Board of Regents of Del Mar College deems to be in the best interest of Del Mar College."

B3.18.2 Condensed Version:  In certain publications a condensed version may be used with the concurrence of the College CEO.

B3.19 Records Management Policy:  It is the policy of the Del Mar College District ("District") to establish, promote, and support an active and continuing program for the efficient, economical, and effective management and control over the use and disposition of its records through an active records management program consistent with the requirements of the  Texas Local Government Records Act (Title 6, Subtitle C, Local Government Code. hereafter, sometimes referred to as the "Act").

A3.19.1 Designation of Records Management Officer:  The Records Management function shall report to the Chief Risk Management Officer (CRMO). The CCO or their designee will serve as the Records Management Officer for the District and the institution operated by the District which is hereafter referred to collectively as "Del Mar College." As provided by State law each successive holder of the office shall file his or her name with the director and librarian of the Texas State Library within thirty (30) days of the initial designation or appointment to the office, as applicable.

A3.19.2 Administration of the Records Management Program:  The Records Management Program shall be administered under the direction of the Records Management Officer subject to the supervision and control of the CCO of Del Mar College.

A3.19.3 Authority of the Records Management Officer:  The Records Management Officer, with the advice and consent of the CCO of Del Mar College, is authorized and directed to take such steps and institute such rules, procedures, and regulations as may be necessary to implement the Records Management Program in accord with the Act. In addition, The Records Management Officer, with the advice and consent of the CCO of Del Mar College, is authorized to modify and amend the Records Management Program as may be necessary or desirable to comply with the terms and provisions of the Act and the rules, regulations, and procedures established by the State officers or agencies authorized by law to administer the Act.

A3.20 Records Management Program:  College records, as hereafter defined, shall be created, maintained, and disposed of in accord with the provisions of this Records Management Program and in no other manner.

A3.20.1 Definitions:

A3.20.1.1  "College Records" means all documents, papers, letters, books, maps, photographs, sound or video recordings, microfilm, magnetic tape, electronic medium, or other information recording medium, regardless of physical form or characteristic and regardless of whether public access to it is open or restricted under the laws of the State, created or received by Del Mar College or any of its officers or employees pursuant to law or in the transaction of public business.

A3.20.1.2   "Department head" means the officer who by administrative policy is in charge of an office of Del Mar College that creates or receives records.

A3.20.1.3   "Essential record" means any record of Del Mar College necessary to the resumption or continuation of operations of Del Mar College in an emergency or disaster, to the recreation of the legal and financial status of Del Mar College, or to the protection and fulfillment of obligations to the people of the State.

A3.20.1.4  " Permanent record" means any record of Del Mar College for which the retention period of a records control schedule is given as permanent.

A3.20.1.5  "Records control schedule" means a document prepared by or under the authority of the Records Management Officer listing the records maintained by Del Mar College, their retention periods, and other records disposition information that the records management program may require.

A3.20.1.6   "Records management" means the application of management techniques to the creation, use, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of records for the purposes of reducing the costs and improving the efficiency of record keeping. The term includes the development of records control schedules, the management of filing and information retrieval systems, the protection of essential and permanent records, the economical and space-effective storage of inactive records, the control over the creation and distribution of forms, reports, and correspondence, and the management of micrographics and electronic and other records storage systems.

A3.20.1.7  "Records Management Officer" means the person designated per paragraph  A3.19.1 of this policy.

A3.20.1.8  "Records Management Committee" means the committee established in paragraph A3.20.3 of this policy.

A3.20.1.9   "Records management plan" means the plan developed under paragraph  A3.20.4 of this policy.

A3.20.1.10  "Retention period" means the minimum time that must pass after the creation, recording, or receipt of a record, or the fulfillment of certain actions associated with a record before it is eligible for destruction.

A3.20.2 College Records Declared Public Property:   All College records as defined in paragraph  A3.20.1.1 of this policy are declared to be the property of Del Mar College. No employee has, by virtue of status or position, any personal or property right to such records even though said employee may have developed or compiled them. The unauthorized destruction, removal from files, or use of such records is prohibited.

A3.20.3  Records Management Committee:

A3.20.3.1   Membership of the Records Management Committee shall be:  Records Management Officer, members of the CEO’s Executive Team and others that may be appointed by the CCO and Administration.

A3.20.3.2  Duties of the committee shall be to:

A3.  Assist the Records Management Officer in the development of policies and procedures governing the Records Management Program.

A3.  Actively support and promote Records Management Program throughout Del Mar College.

A3.20.4 Development, Approval, and Authority of Records Management Plan:

A3.20.4.1   The Records Management Officer is responsible for developing and maintaining a Records Management Plan for Del Mar College for submission to the CEO and Administration for approval. The Plan contains policies and procedures designed to promote cost-effective and efficient record keeping, to adequately protect the essential records of the College, and to properly preserve those records that are of historical value. The Plan contains policies and procedures designed to enable the Records Management Officer to carry out the duties prescribed by State law and this administrative policy.

A3.20.4.2  Once approved by the CCO, the Records Management Plan is binding on all departments of Del Mar College and records are created, maintained, stored, microfilmed, or destroyed, as appropriate.

A3.20.5 Duties of Records Management Officer:  In addition to other responsibilities assigned in the policy, the Records Management Officer shall oversee: 

A3.20.5.1  The administration of the Records Management Program and provide assistance to department heads in its implementation.

A3.20.5.2   The establishment of retention periods for each College record.

A3.20.5.3  The planning and formulation of prescribed records disposition policies, systems, standards, and procedures.

A3.20.5.4  In cooperation with department heads, identify essential records and establish a disaster plan for each Del Mar College office and department to ensure maximum availability of the records in order to reestablish operations quickly and with minimum disruption and expense.

A3.20.5.5  The development of procedures to ensure the permanent preservation of the historically valuable records of Del Mar College.

A3.20.5.6  The development of methods to provide records management advice and assistance to all Del Mar College departments.

A3.20.5.7   The records retention schedules and administrative rules issued by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to determine if the Records Management Program and the College's records control schedules are in compliance with State regulations.

A3.20.5.8  The dissemination of information to the executive staff and department heads information concerning State laws and administrative rules relating to local government records.

A3.20.5.9   The maintenance, preservation, microfilming, destruction, or other disposition of Del Mar College records and ensure that it is carried out in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Records Management Program and the requirements of State law.

A3.20.5.10  The maintenance of records on the volume of records destroyed under approved records control schedules and the volume of records microfilmed or stored electronically.

A3.20.6 Duties and Responsibilities of Department Heads: In addition to other duties assigned in this Manual, department heads shall:

A3.20.6.1  Assist the Records Management Officer in carrying out the policies and procedures established at Del Mar College for the efficient and economical management of records and in carrying out the requirements of this policy.

A3.20.6.2  Adequately document the transaction of College business and the services, programs, and duties for which the department head and the department head's staff are responsible.

A3.20.6.3  Maintain the department's records and carry out their preservation, microfilming, destruction, or other disposition only in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Records Management Program of Del Mar College and the requirements of this policy.

A3.20.6.4   Designate themselves or a member of his/her staff who will be the contact person for the records management program in the department.

A3.  The department contact person shall conduct or supervise the conduct of inventories of the records of the department in preparation for the development of records control schedules and any other duties required for adherence to the policies and procedures of the Records Management office.

A3.20.7 Development, Approval, and Filing with the State the Records Control Schedules:

A3.20.7.1   The Records Management Officer, in cooperation with department heads, shall be responsible for the preparation of records control schedules on a department-by-department basis listing all records created or received by the department and the retention period for each record type. These schedules shall be submitted through administrative channels to the Records Management Committee and shall require final approval by the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO). Records control schedules shall also contain such other information regarding the disposition of the College records and the records management plan may require.

A3.20.7.2  Each records control schedule shall be monitored and recommended for amendment as needed under the supervision of the Records Management Officer on a regular basis to ensure that it is in compliance with records retention schedules issued by the State and that it continues to reflect the record keeping procedures and needs of the department and the Records Management Program of Del Mar College. 

A3.20.7.3   Before its adoption a records control schedule or amended schedule for a department must be submitted through administrative channels to the Records Management Officer for final approval by the Executive Director of HR and Administration.

A3.20.7.4  Each records control schedule must be submitted to and accepted for filing by the director and librarian as provided by State law. If a schedule is not accepted for filing, the schedule shall be amended to make it acceptable for filing. The Records Management Officer shall submit the records control schedules to the director and librarian.

A3.20.8 Implementation of Records Control Schedules:   A records control schedule for a department that has been approved and adopted under paragraph  A3.20.7 shall be implemented by department heads according to the policies and procedures of the Records Management Plan.

A3.20.9 Destruction of Scheduled Records:

A3.20.9.1  A record for which the retention period has expired on a records control schedule shall be destroyed unless an open records request is pending on the record, the subject matter of the record is pertinent to a pending lawsuit or a charge of discrimination and/or retaliation filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Texas Workforce Commission, or the department head requests in writing of the Records Management Officer that the record be retained for an additional period.

A3.20.9.2  Prior to the destruction of a record under an approved records control schedule, authorization for the destruction must be obtained by the Records Management Officer.

A3.20.10 Destruction of Unscheduled Records:  A record that has not yet been listed on an approved records control schedule may be destroyed if its destruction has been approved in the same manner as a record destroyed under an approved schedule and the Records Management Officer has submitted to and received back from the director and librarian an approved destruction authorization request.

A3.20.11 Micrographics:  Microfilming of records falls under the direct supervision of each department head. The Records Management Plan will establish policies and procedures for the microfilming of College records, including policies to ensure that all microfilming is done in accordance with standards and procedures for the microfilming of local government records established in the rules of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and subject to periodic review by the Records Management Officer.

B3.21 Tuition Policy:  The per semester credit hour tuition rate for credit courses shall increase by a minimum of $1.00 each fall semester for Texas in-district residents, Texas out-of-district residents, out-of-state residents, and foreign students.  Any student whose legal residence is outside the Del Mar College District shall be charged an out-of-district fee.  All student tuition and fees shall be set by the Board of Regents.

B3.22 Payment of Tuition and Fees by Installment Method:   HB 2747, passed by the House and Senate, provides students the option to pay tuition and fees by the installment method for the fall and spring semesters. The installment method provides for one-half payment of tuition and fees in advance of the beginning of the semester, one-quarter payment prior to the start of the sixth class week, and the final one-quarter payment prior to the beginning of the eleventh class week.

B3.22.1 Methods of Payment:   A student may pay for tuition and fees for the fall and spring semester by one of two methods:  (1) full payment at time of registration or payment due date; or (2) three installments. Once the payment plan has been chosen, it may not be changed.

B3.22.2 Payment Schedule for   Installment Options:  When a student chooses to pay using the installment option, the following payment schedule will apply:   

  • 50% of tuition and fees prior to 1 st class day  
  • 25% of tuition and fees prior to 6 th  class week  
  • 25% of tuition and fees prior to 11 th  class week

B3.22.3 Non-Refundable Processing Fee and Late Charge:   A twenty-five dollar ($25) non-refundable processing fee will be charged at the time a student uses the installment payment option. A ten dollar ($10) late fee will be charged if payments are not made on or before the installment due date.

B3.23 Computer and Network Resources Use Policy:  Del Mar College computer and network resources are privileges provided to conduct the legitimate business of the College and to support the missions of the institution. Del Mar College procedures will promote the security and integrity of the College’s computer systems and the information contained on those systems and will provide a framework for responsible access to information technology resources. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the College, the Chief Academic Officer, the Chief Information Officer, instructors, supervisors, Chairs, or Deans may elect to impose additional requirements or restrictions. Del Mar College extends these principles and guidelines to systems outside the College which are accessed via the College’s facilities. Computing or network providers outside Del Mar College may impose their own additional conditions of appropriate use, for which users at Del Mar College are responsible.

A3.23.1 Legitimate Use:  Computer resources of Del Mar College are privileges provided solely for legitimate use by the following: currently registered students; authorized faculty, staff, and other individuals; and authorized agents of the District performing activities for the benefit of or with respect to the instructional or administrative mission of the District.

A3.23.1.1  Legitimate uses of the College's computer and network resources are limited to: College-related instruction, independent study, research, and official work of College administration, staff, students, campus organizations, and agencies of the College, and such other specific uses as are expressly authorized by the CEO of the College or the CEO’s designee.  

A3.23.1.2  These computer and network resources may not be used for personal, commercial, or for-profit purposes without the written approval of the CEO of the College or the CEO’s designee.

A3.23.1.3  Revised December 5, 2023 Consistent with the College’s policies, the computer and network resources may not be used to store, transmit, or receive any text, image, audio, or video materials that are discriminatory, abusive, profane, threatening, harassing, or sexually offensive.

A3.23.2 Ownership and Copyright:   All College-provided computer resources, including hardware, software, and all computerized information and data entered on or developed with these resources are licensed from vendors or owned by the District. Users have no rights of ownership to these computer resources, or to the information they contain.

A3.23.2.1  Each user shall comply with all licensing agreements for College-provided software. Each user shall comply with all copyright laws.  

A3.23.3   Responsibilities of the User:   When using Del Mar College’s computer and network resources, (a) students are required to operate those resources in a manner consistent with this policy and with the College’s "Standards of Student Conduct"; and (b) faculty, staff, and individuals, and authorized agents of the College are required to operate those resources in a manner consistent with this policy and with all policies published in the Del Mar College Manual of Policies and Procedures.

A3.23.3.1  Any unauthorized use, access, alteration, addition, destruction, duplication, or deletion of the computer or network resources, or the information contained therein, is prohibited.

A3.23.3.2  These computer privileges shall not be transferred or extended by the College's students, faculty, staff, or administration without the written approval of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the College.

A3.23.3.3  The user shall maintain considerate and ethical behavior in the use of College computer resources.

A3.23.3.4  The user shall avoid wasting computer resources by activities beyond the scope of legitimate administrative or instructional requirements.

A3.23.3.5  The user shall be sensitive to the public nature of all computing facilities. All networks, network message traffic, and computer systems, including individual workstations, may be monitored for compliance with existing College policies. Writings or notices attached to or included in emails regarding the confidential, proprietary, or privileged nature of an email do not limit the College from monitoring employee communications as provided by this section, or from using the emails to establish an employee's violation of College policies. All email is subject to the Public Information Act provisions. 

A3.23.3.6  The user shall determine the licensing status on any software or date prior to copying or transferring the product. 

A3.23.3.7  The user shall have prior written approval from the appropriate Chair, supervisor, or administrator before installing on College computers or networks any software not provided by the College. The user shall be responsible for the registration and license compliance for any software not provided by the College. Only lawfully acquired software may be installed on College computers and networks.

A3.23.3.8  The user shall not willfully create, copy, or disseminate computer viruses nor threaten to install or to infect the College's computer resources with any virus.

A3.23.3.9  The user must insure the integrity of all foreign software, disks, or hardware before installing or using such software, disks, or hardware on College computers or networks. "Integrity" in the context of this policy includes assurance of compatibility with existing software, disks, or hardware, as well as freedom from contamination by any type of computer virus. "Foreign" computer software, disks, or hardware includes any computer software, disks, or hardware which: (1) have not been provided by the College, or (2) have been removed from and then returned to the campus, or (3) have been used on the campus in, or in connection with, any computer software, disks, or hardware not  provided by the College.

A3.23.3.10  The user shall obtain from the appropriate College authority prior written approval for the planned installation and proposed applications of any type of computing server device or server software. All information or material placed on any type of computer server device shall comply with all applicable College policies and practices and all laws governing the use of computer, network devices, and the Internet.

A3.23.3.11  The user shall access only those computing resources and those accounts authorized by the appropriate College authority. The user must protect the integrity of personal files, personal data, and personal passwords. The user shall respect the privacy of the College's and other user's resources.

A3.23.3.12  The user shall not access the Internet through the College telephone system without written approval from the CEO of the College or the CEO’s designee.    

A3.23.4 Purpose of Del Mar College World Wide Web Site Pages:  Del Mar College's World Wide Web Site provides online information about Del Mar College for external as well as internal audiences.  These pages provide access to information about programs, administrative services, informational and support services, and the faculty, staff, and students at Del Mar College.

A3.23.4.1 Contents of Del Mar College World Wide Web Site:  This policy governs information to be contained in any Del Mar College Web page. Failure to comply with this policy may result in a refusal to upload documents to Del Mar servers or a removal of documents from the servers.

A.  Revised December 5, 2023 The front page of all documents on the Del Mar College servers must contain:

  • the email address of the person(s) or service unit(s) in charge of the page.
  • the date of the last review; all pages should be reviewed every six months to ensure accuracy.
  • a link to the Del Mar College Home page
  • a link to the Equal Opportunity Website and the disclaimer statements. 
  • The phrase "Del Mar College" included in the title of the page (appears in the top frame of the browser window).   [Example:  "Department of Business Administration" becomes "Del Mar College Department of Business Administration"]

A3.  Documents on the Del Mar College servers must not contain: 

A3.  Copyrighted or trademarked materials in any form without written permission of the person who created them or owns the rights.  The only exceptions to this policy are those instructional materials covered by the 2002 TEACH Act, which broadens the ability of instructors at accredited, nonprofit educational institutions to transmit (or post online) performances or copyrighted works if certain criteria are met.  For more information, please visit the TEACH Act Toolkit site.

A3.  Images (e.g., photographs, drawings, paintings or other derivatives thereof), audio, videos, or movies of people without their written consent. Talent releases are available for this purpose, and may be obtained through the College Relations Office Website.

A3.  Commercial activities or advertisements not related to the instructional or administrative mission of the College. To ensure proper use of public tax-supported College resources, Del Mar College's Web pages may not contain material that is commercial in nature, nor provide links to commercial or for-profit material, enterprises, or organizations. Exceptions to the policy require the written approval of the Del Mar College CEO.

A3.  Any information, confidential or otherwise, pertaining to other individuals who do not want the information included.

A3.  Revised December 5, 2023 Any images or data that are discriminatory, abusive, profane, harassing, or sexually offensive. When a complaint regarding discriminatory, abusive, profane, harassing, or sexually offensive material is received by Del Mar College, the matter will be turned over the Web Advisory Committee for review.  Recommendations will then be made to the appropriate Dean or office.   

A3.23.4.2 Types of Web Pages:  Del Mar College servers will house the following four types of Web pages:

A3. Del Mar College Home Pages:    Del Mar College's home page is considered an official College publication as well as a campus-wide information source. For this reason, the Office of College Relations  oversees the top levels of the Del Mar College Web site, referred to as the home pages.

A3. Official Pages:    Official pages are defined as the departmental and administrative pages that are linked from appropriate categories on the Del Mar College home page. Departmental and administrative areas are encouraged to develop their own official pages. As with printed publications, only approved College information will be communicated on official pages. Departmental and administrative areas are responsible for the text and images on their own pages. Whenever possible, links to other pages on the Del Mar College site should be created. This will reduce duplication of effort and help ensure consistency and accuracy.

A3. Professional Pages:   Information related to an individual's administrative or academic responsibilities at Del Mar College may be included on professional pages. Professional pages are accessible through official pages. Personal messages may not be included on professional pages, and the author assumes all responsibility for the content of his or her professional page. A return link should be created back to official pages from professional pages.  Prior to the initial uploading of a new professional page, faculty or staff must obtain written approval from their divisional dean or the appropriate vice president.  Subsequent updates to the initial uploading of the page do not require dean or vice presidential approval. Faculty and staff members assigned to teach courses that utilize the Web to deliver instruction do not need approval to access the College Web page for that teaching assignment.  Once approval is obtained, the pages may be uploaded to the server. To ensure efficient usage of College server space, faculty and staff should work with Information Technology Internet personnel to upload new pages.

Since professional pages are housed on Del Mar College's servers, they must adhere to the same policies that bind other College Web pages. Thus, they are subject to review by the Web Advisory Committee and/or the Technical and Content Webmasters to insure compliance with those policies.

A3. Student Pages:    Faculty or other College authorities may, with concurrence of the immediate supervisor, sponsor currently registered students and registered student organizations to create pages that are related to the instructional or administrative missions of the College. Links will be created back to the professional page of the sponsor who is responsible for the content of these pages, or to the registered student organization's page. Student pages created as part of the instructional requirements of a course will be removed from the server at the end of the semester. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to archive their student pages. Student pages must be identified as such somewhere on the main (index) page.

A3.  Sponsors are responsible for all content on their students' pages. Since student pages are housed on Del Mar College servers, they must adhere to the same policies that bind other College Web pages. Thus, they are subject to review by the Web Advisory Committee and/or the Technical and Content Webmasters to insure compliance with those policies. Prior to the initial uploading of a new student page, faculty or staff must obtain written approval from their divisional dean or the appropriate vice president. Once approval is obtained, the pages may be uploaded to the server. To ensure efficient usage of College server space, faculty, staff, and students should work with Information Technology Internet personnel to upload new pages.

Subsequent updates to the initial uploading of the page do not require dean or vice presidential approval. However, the supervising instructor or sponsor of student pages must preview and approve updates and revisions of student pages prior to upload.

A3.23.4.3 Website Administration:

A3.  The Del Mar College Web site is administered by a team comprised of the Content Webmaster, the Technical Webmaster, and the Web Advisory Committee. As a team, these individuals all have responsibility for long-range planning of the site, the administration and enforcement of policy and procedures relating to the site, and decisions relating to the organization, content, and overall structure of the site.

A3.   All Del Mar College pages and servers must be registered with the Technical Webmaster and linked through Del Mar's main server.  Servers on campus can and do have different server names, which are applied by the Information Technology Department.  All elements at Del Mar College must be originally accessed through one of the main Del Mar College servers or index pages as appropriate.

A3.  Examples of main College servers include, but are not limited to:


A3.   Index pages are primary, or home pages of departmental, professional, or student Web sites.  By way of example, the following are considered index pages:


A3.  Specific non-index pages should not be utilized or advertised as points of entry to the Del Mar College site, as these non-index pages may change locations or be taken down from time to time.  Examples of non-index pages include those pages reached through the index pages:

2014 Capital Improvements 

A3.  All pages on Del Mar servers may be periodically reviewed by the Web Advisory Committee for compliance with all Del Mar College policies and procedures.  Questions and concerns about the Del Mar College Web site may be forwarded to the Web Advisory Committee, the Technical Webmaster, or the Content Webmaster.

A3.  If a problem in content or design is discovered, the author or sponsor will be contacted by the Content Webmaster, the Technical Webmaster, or Information Technology staff with a request that the problem be reviewed and corrected.  If not corrected, the page(s) will be removed.

A3.  The College reserves the right to limit a file size in order to facilitate the most efficient use of the servers and to facilitate efficient browsing.

A3.23.4.4   Authors of Pages:

A3.  It is the responsibility of each individual who uses the technology resources of the College to be familiar with and abide by all current operational policies.  Authors of web pages agree to all portions of this policy. The use of any technology resource at Del Mar College implies acceptance of these and all other current operational policies.

A3.  Authors of documents and those who store resources on Del Mar servers are responsible for what they allow users to access. Infringement of copyright or privacy laws and obscene, harassing, or threatening materials on Del Mar servers can be in violation of local, state, national, or international laws and can be subject to litigation by the appropriate law enforcement agency.

A3.  Authors or sponsors of web pages must obtain the written approval through their Dean or Vice President before a page may be placed on a Del Mar server.  Authors are ultimately responsible for the information contained in their pages.

A3.23.5 Violation and Consequences:  Anyone who engages in conduct prohibited by the College's Computer and Network Resources Use Policy and procedures, or by federal, state, or local laws and regulations, whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, shall be accountable and subject to disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal or termination as outlined in the Del Mar College Manual of Policies and Procedures or the "Standards of Student Conduct." In addition, civil or criminal penalties may be imposed for such prohibited conduct.

B3.24 Indemnification Policy

B3.24.1 Indemnification of Regents:   The Board of Regents of the Del Mar College District ("District") has determined, and hereby determines that it is in the best interest of the District and the public in general to protect and indemnify each regent of the District from all costs (subject to the limitations hereafter imposed) incident to legal proceedings which might be incurred by such regent in the good faith performance of his or her duties as a regent;  therefore, it is the policy of the District to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify each regent from any and all demands, claims, suits, actions, and legal proceedings brought against any regent in his or her individual or official capacity as a result of the regent's good faith discharge of his or her official duties to the extent that such costs, expenses, loss, or liabilities are not covered by insurance owned by or acquired for the benefit of each regent;  however, in the event the regent is found to have engaged in official misconduct or a wilful or wrongful act or omission or an act or omission constituting gross negligence, this policy shall not apply.  The liability of the District under the terms of this paragraph shall be limited to One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per individual and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per incident or occurrence.  If there is a potential conflict of interest between the College and the defendant regent, the College may approve use of counsel other than the College attorney to defend the regent.

B3.24.2 Indemnification of Employees:   As an additional consideration for the services to be performed by each employee of the District, the District agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify each employee from any and all demands, claims, suits, actions, and legal proceedings brought against employee in his or her individual or official capacity as an agent and employee of the District;  to the extent that such demands, claims, suits, actions, and legal proceedings are not covered by insurance owned by or acquired for the benefit of employee, and provided the claims are based on acts or omissions committed by the employee in the good faith discharge of his/her duties in the course and scope of employment with the District and the employee is not found to have engaged in conduct constituting official misconduct or a wilful or wrongful act or omission or an act or omission constituting gross negligence;  however, the limit of liability of the District under the terms of this paragraph shall not exceed Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for each incident or occurrence.  If there is a potential conflict of interest between the College and the defendant employee, the College may approve use of counsel other than the College attorney to defend the employee.

B3.25 Isensee Board Room:   The Isensee Board Room shall be a college venue inviting all Regents, administrators, faculty, staff and/or student organizations for first-come, first-serve usage during normal working hours for unfettered debates, discussions, or meetings, but with insistence on proper decorum and respect to all in attendance.  Regents shall have scheduling priority for the utilization of the Isensee Board Room.

B3.26 Substantive Change Notification:  In accordance with the published policies of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools  Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Del Mar College  maintains procedures to ensure the timely notification and appropriate reporting documentation to SACSCOC of any substantive changes.  The Chief Academic Officer is responsible for the oversight of all substantive changes.


Page last updated October 2, 2024.