Risk Management

Risk Management

The Office of Risk Management is responsible for managing all insurance programs for the College. All programs such as general liability, property and casualty, workers compensation and special coverages are managed by Risk Management. Any claim or inquiry associated with any program is investigated and evaluated through this office. The Office of Risk Management also assesses any risks present through contract and agreement review and central management of contracts and other documents for the College.

Other areas of service to the college include, but are not limited to, campus dining/food services, policy and procedures development and review, travel liability, elections coordination, notary services, and records management.  The Office of Risk Management reports to the Vice President of Administration and Human Resources.

  • General Elections Information

    The Executive Director of Administration serves as the Election Manager for the Del Mar College District. In coordination with the Nueces County Clerk’s Office, the Election Manager is responsible for organizing and managing all election activities for the District for any Board of Regents, bond, and special elections. All election activities and notices are in accordance with federal, state and local laws and regulations.

    *All election notices and materials are posted on the Board of Regents Elections Information page.*



  • Notary Public Services

    Notary Public services are provided on campus to assist students in notarizing important documentation required for the application process into specialized programs such as public safety programs. A limited number of notary publics are located at each campus to assist with services at no-cost.

    Notary Commission Application and Renewals

    Contact the Office of Risk Management to request approval for a notary commission or commission renewal to provide services to Del Mar College.  *Applications are subject to approval based on campus need.

    Notary stamps and supplies are handled by the Office of Risk Management.

  • Accident/Claims Reporting

    All accidents need to be reported to Campus Security (Ext. 1199) immediately so that proper care and attention can be given.  After reporting an accident, the Office of Risk Management should be notified no later than 24 hours after the occurrence of the accident so that the appropriate insurance forms can be completed and submitted.

  • Request for insurance coverage

    All requests for insurance coverage or a certificate of insurance coverage should be submitted by email or in writing to the Office of Risk Management.

    Contractors or vendors that are submitting proof of coverage related to a specific contract or project can submit certificates of insurance or liability via email to risk@delmar.edu or by mail.

Page last updated July 11, 2023.

Contact Information

Jessica A. Alaniz
Executive Director of Administration
(361) 698-2214

Janet Gallegos
Risk Coordinator
(361) 698-2216

Del Mar College
Memorial Building, Room B101
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Fax: (361) 698-2215