Student Nurse Association

Student Nurse Association

The Del Mar College Student Nurse Association (SNA) is a great way to make student connections and increase your involvement in community events. In addition to local campus activities it also SNA members are a part of a national professional organization. This semester, our Officer Board will proudly represent Del Mar College SNA and work hard for the members. You will find your friendly SNA officers and SNA members participating in many events such as the New Nursing Student Orientation, Annual Share-a-meal for the Ronald McDonald House, Annual Community Campus Easter Egg Hunt which always includes an educational presentation for children on a variety of health topics. We have volunteered at The Ark Youth Shelter and many other events throughout each semester.

The RSO SNA Faculty Advisors are instrumental and inspiring mentors in the professional development of our future nurses. They facilitate community service and leadership opportunities for all Student Nurses and SNA members each semester.

You may enroll to be a member of the Student Nurse Association at or follow our Facebook Page.

Page last updated October 31, 2023.

Program Resources

Contact Information

Nurse Education
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
(361) 698-2860