Institutional Research

Institutional Research

The Institutional Research (IR) department works collaboratively with all Del Mar College departments, offices and programs to ensure data-driven decision making and continuous quality improvement by facilitating and coordinating systematic, integrated, and research-based reporting.


Sushil Pallemoni
Executive Director of Institutional Research
(361) 698-1207

Jane Haas
Senior Research Associate
(361) 698-1552

Carolyn Sorrels
Administrative Assistant
(361) 698-1207


Shane Stewart
Research Associate III 
(361) 698-1553

Research Associate

Julio Barraza
Research Analyst


Statistical Profile

The Del Mar College Statistical Profile is an annual publication designed to provide reliable and consistent information about the attributes and characteristics of the institution. Information from the profile can be used to evaluate programs and operations and is a convenient reference for answering some of the most frequently asked questions about the college.

  • Statistical Profile documents are hosted on DMC Share (employee login required)
  • 2022-2023 Profile now available

Institutional Research info for Faculty and staff

Members of the public and outside agencies can request a PDF of the latest report by emailing

Data dashboards

View dashboards


Page last updated October 15, 2024.