Del Mar College Administration

Del Mar College Administration

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Board of Regents
  • President and CEO, M. Escamilla
    • Director of CEO Office and Board Relations, D. Perez
    • General Counsel, A. Rivera, Jr.
    • Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, L. Keas
      • Associate Vice President, Continuing Education & Off-Campus Programs, L. Rivera
        • Director of Continuing Education, M. Aguilar
        • Director of Business & Registration Services, J. Viera
        • Sr. Director of Continuing & Community Education, R. Benavides
        • Director of Career & Industry Training, M. Avalos
        • Director of Early College Programs, R. Montez
    • Executive Director of Institutional Research, S. Pallemoni
    • Executive Director of Strategic & Operational Initiatives, N. Villarreal
    • Dean of Workforce Programs and Corporate Services, D. Korus

    • Vice President & Chief Academic Officer, J. Halcomb
      • Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness & Academics, S. Saumby
        • Director of Accreditation and Assessment, (vacant)
        • Manager of Institutional Effectiveness, B. Schicker
        • Curriculum Manager, A. Gomez-Johnson
      • Dean of Communication, Fine Arts and Social Sciences, C. Bridges
      • Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Kinesiology and Education, J. Southard
      • Dean of Business, Entrepreneurship and Health Sciences, J. Sramek
      • Dean of Industry and Public Service, D. Merrell 
      • Dean of Learning Resources, C. Gregg
    • Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, R. Garcia 
      • Comptroller/Revenue Budget Administrator, (vacant)
      • Director of Accounting/Budget Officer, C. West
      • Director of Purchasing and Business Services, D. Davila
      • Director of Grants and Sponsored Research, C. Gonzalez
    • Vice President of Administration and Human Resources, T. McDonald
      • Executive Director of Human Resources, J. Henry
      • Executive Director of Administration, J. Alaniz
      • Chief of Police, L. White
    • Vice President and Chief Physical Facilities Officer, J. Strybos
      • Director of Physical Facilities, R. Duffie
      • Director of Environmental Health & Safety, C. Tweddle
    • Vice President and Chief Information Officer, A. Kolahdouz
      • Deputy Chief Information Officer, J. Montalvo-Cummings
      • Information Security Officer, G. Palmer 
    • Vice President for Student Affairs, P. Benavides-Dominguez
      • Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, C. Sanders
        • Dean of Student Engagement and Retention, R. Hernandez
        • Director of TRiO - Student Success Services, V. Stinson
        • Director of TRiO - Educational Opportunity Centers, C. Munoz
      • Dean of Student Outreach and Enrollment Servces, G. Martinez
      • Director of Advising Initiatives, L. Wilson
      • Director of Financial Aid, J. Ruiz
      • Director of Project SENDA, D. Barrera
    • Vice President of Development & Donor Advising, M. Busby
      • Assistant Director of Foundation Services, J. Soliz
    • Vice President of Communication and Marketing, J. Olsen
      • Associate Director of Media Relations, M. Eddleman
      • Executive Director of Marketing & Events, J. Houlihan
      • Communication Manager, M. Bratten
      • Community Relations Manager, C. Seehorn

Page last updated July 24, 2024.