Admission Requirements

Del Mar Regional Fire Academy


The Del Mar College Regional Fire Academy trains cadets to be certified Texas firefighters based on Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP) standards.  Academies begin in the Fall and Spring semester.  There are differences between the two academies. 

The Fall DMC Fire Academy is a one-semester academy.  During this academy, the cadets will come to class from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday.  Application packets are available for distribution from April to Mid-July for the Fall Academy. 

The Spring DMC Fire Academy on the other hand is a two-semester academy.  It starts in the Spring and extends into the Summer semesters.  The cadets will come to class from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Wednesday in the Spring Semester.  In the Summer Semester, the cadets will come to class from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Thursday.  Packets may be requested for this academy from September to December 1st.

The Fire Academy provides 24 college credit hours total regardless of which academy the student chooses to attend.  There is an EMT course with a clinical that is a part of the program which gives the cadet 6 more hours for a total of 30 credit hours toward an Associate of Applied Science degree in Fire Science.

The cost for the cadet averages around $3000 - $3500, depending on how many uniforms the cadet purchases.  That price includes the book cost, tuition, lab fees and uniforms.  The cost also depends on them being in district or not.

Admission into this program is a selective process.  To gain admittance into the Del Mar College Regional Fire Academy, candidates must complete the following:

  1. Apply to Del Mar College.
  2. Meet the following TSI Assessment requirements prior to entering the program (information about the test can be found by clicking here):
    • Reading – 3
    • English – 2
    • Math – 1
  3. Contact the Academy either through email or in-person to request a Fire Academy Pre-Screening Questionnaire. This questionnaire must be completed before you receive an application packet.  You can email to request a questionnaire.  Please be sure to include your Del Mar ID# when you turn in your questionnaire.
  4. Pass a Background Check and a Drug Screen through the CastleBranch site (this is explained more in the application packet)
  5. Clear all Del Mar holds that will prevent registration into the program.
  6. Turn in the completed packet via email or in-person by the established due date.
  7. Once accepted into the program, attend a mandatory Fire Academy orientation. The exact date of the orientation will be given to students.

Students may not register themselves for the Fire Academy.  The director of the Fire Academy will register students after they complete all admission requirements.


The Fire Science program is an open enrollment degree program.  To be admitted into the Fire Science program candidates must:

  1. Apply to Del Mar College
  2. Meet all TSI Assessment Reading, English & Math requirements for the courses they wish to attend. (This will vary)
  3. Meet with a Fire Science Program Advisor for counseling as to which courses to take.

After a student earns 24 credit hours, they may register themselves online or through the Fire Academy advisor during Del Mar College registration periods.

Our building address is as follows:

(361) 698-1417

Del Mar College – Windward Campus

4101 Old Brownsville Road

Public Safety Complex

Page last updated January 2, 2025.

Contact Information

Public Service
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
(361) 698-1724
Email Public Service

Windward Campus
Public Safety Complex
4101 Old Brownsville Road
Corpus Christi, TX 78405

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