The name of this organization shall be the Child Development/Early Childhood Registered Student Organization and hereafter shall be referred to as CDEC RSO
Early Childhood Club
Early Childhood Club

Mission Statement
The Child Development Early Childhood Registered Student Organization is a club of students committed to fostering the growth and development of children. The goals of the organization shall be to provide the members of the organization opportunities for (1) professional and leadership development, (2) service learning, (3) and community involvement on behalf of the needs and rights of young children.
Who can join?
This organization is open to all Del Mar students without regard to race, religion, sex or national origin. Members are not limited to Education or Early Childhood majors, as all Del Mar majors are welcome to join.
Meetings typically held in the Center for Early Learning Building, room 129 or meetings may be held virtually. Please reach out to a club advisor to receive email notifications about upcoming meetings.
Constitution / By-laws
Constitution of the Early Childhood Club
Registered Student Organization
Article I (Name)
Article II (Purpose)
The CDEC RSO is an organization of students committed to fostering the growth and development of children. This organization provides the members opportunities for professional and leadership development, service learning, and community involvement on behalf of the needs and rights of young children.
Section I: All members must be bona fide Del Mar College students
Section II: Membership is open to all students, without regard to race, religion, sex, or national origin. -
Section I: At a minimum, the officers of this organization shall consist of, but not limited to:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Section II: Officers shall serve a minimum of one (1) academic semester, or longer if so chooses. In the event of a vacant officer position, election of the new officer shall be at the first meeting of such semester.
Section III: All officers must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher in all class work
Section IV: The President shall be the spokesperson for the CEDC RSO and shall represent it in a respectable manner. He or she shall also preside over each meeting and close them. He or she shall also assist all officers in coordinating activities of the CDEC RSO.
The Secretary shall record brief minutes of each meeting, documenting any articles of business which required voting or in which monies were collected. Any actions and/or expenditures must be reflected in the minutes. Record of attendance must also be kept. He or she must file a copy of the approved minutes, along with a copy of the attendance sheet from each meeting within 5 working days to the Student Activities office in Harvin Center.
The Treasurer shall keep records of dues paid, money paid to or collected for the CDEC RSO from any fundraisers. A treasurer’s report must be given at all meetings. He or she shall be responsible for paperwork left in the CDEC RSO mailbox located in Rm. 109 of the Harvin Center.
In the event the President is unable to attend a meeting, any other officer may preside over the meeting. The President must give advanced notice to club advisors as well as to the other club officers.
It is up to the club members’ discretion if dues shall be collected. Dues can only be changed per semester. Club members shall vote for any changes in dues.
Article VI (Advisors)
Section I: An advisor must be a full-time faculty member of Del Mar College who is in the field of Child Development/Early Childhood.
Section II: Duties of an advisor are as those required by Del Mar College. An advisor must be present for all club functions and meetings.
The CDEC RSO shall meet as needed in the Lichtenstein Center for Early Learning.
Article VIII (Activities)
All activities are subject to the approval by the Director of Student Activities as to subject/content, time, and place, financing of the activity, and name of outside speakers or participants. Reservations for any use of facilities must be made in advance.
Early Childhood Club members have participated in many service learning activities both on and off-campus. Some of these activities include:
- Early Bird Reader Program book donation drives
- School supplies drives for various early learning facilities
- Professional guest speakers discussing various early childhood professional pathways
- American Red Cross Teddy Bear drives benefiting children of disasters
- Del Mar College Family Fall Festival
- Assembling creative arts bags for children who are seeking medical care at Driscoll Children's Hospital
Article IX (Amendments)
Recommend amendments must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the CDEC RSO membership present at the time of the vote.
Page last updated September 18, 2024.