What to Do if You’re a Victim of Sexual Misconduct

What to Do if You’re a Victim of Sexual Misconduct

Students and employees are advised of the following courses of action in the event of an incident of sexual misconduct.

1) Your immediate personal safety is of the utmost importance. As soon as possible, following an incident of sexual misconduct, get to a place of safety.

2) Contact the police at 911 as soon as possible after the assault has occurred. It is the decision of the person experiencing sexual misconduct in determining whether or not to file charges. It is important to note that where a charge is filed with the police, the State covers the cost of medical care provided at the emergency room. If a charge is not filed, the person experiencing sexual misconduct will be responsible for medical costs incurred. However, when a report is filed, you are NOT obligated to continue with the police criminal justice system or the campus disciplinary action process.

3) Contact someone you trust to be with you and help you deal with any trauma you are experiencing. If you wish, you may contact the College’s Counseling Center to assist you (361-698-1586). After business hours, contact Campus Security at 361-698-1199. Your situation will be handled with confidentially.

4) It will be important to collect and preserve all evidence, where possible, within 24 hours of the attack of sexual violence. For example, do not change clothes or wash or dispose of clothes you were wearing at the time of the sexual violence incident. Do not wash, shower or douche. If a change of clothing is unavoidable, put all clothing you were wearing at the time of the sexual violence incidence in a paper (not a plastic) bag. Until police have investigated the area where the incident occurred and dusted for fingerprints, avoid touching any smooth surfaces that the assailant may have touched.

5) Document any injury you suffered either by photographing or by showing your injuries to someone you trust.

6) Seek and obtain medical attention as soon as possible to treat any physical injury and obtain preventative treatment for possible sexually transmitted disease and other health services. Medical providers can also assist with preserving evidence documenting your injuries.

7) In addition to seeking assistance from law enforcement, you can also take steps to protect yourself from the assailant by staying with friends or family after the act of sexual violence, letting your voicemail record telephone calls and messages, notifying the College of the incident in order to insure the assailant is not allowed to have contact with you while on campus or at campus event.

For assistance with filing a complaint of sexual misconduct through College complaint procedures, obtaining assistance with accessing law enforcement, and confidential counseling, emotional support, and immediate emergency services, if not already accessed, students should contact the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention and employees should contact the Director of Human Resources for the same assistance. 

Page last updated September 29, 2020.

Contact Information

Title IX Coordinator
Tammy F. McDonald
Vice President for Administration and Human Resources
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Memorial Building, Heritage Campus
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: (361) 698-2177

Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
District Employee Complaint Coordinator
Jerry Henry, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Executive Director of Human Resources
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Memorial Building, Heritage Campus
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: (361) 698-1088

District Student Complaint Coordinator
Rita Hernandez
Dean of Student Engagement and Retention
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Harvin Center, Heritage Campus
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: (361) 698-1277