Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Download & SIgn IN

For the best experience, Del Mar students and employees should download and sign into the Teams desktop or mobile app using their DMC email before joining a Teams meeting.

If this is not possible, the Teams web app will allow you to join the meeting but may not provide all features. Be sure to sign in with your DMC email BEFORE joining your meeting.

  1. Log into Teams with your Del Mar College email address and password.
  2. Download and install the desktop app* by clicking the Get the Windows/Mac app button.
    (*The free mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices. Use the mobile app if you have slow or no Wi-Fi connectivity.)
    Teams Download Page

For more information about Teams and other Microsoft Office apps, visit the Microsoft Support site. Information will be updated as Microsoft or Del Mar College provides new features in Microsoft Teams.

How to Join A meeting

Students must be provided with a meeting link. Instructors may post the meeting link in their Canvas course, or share a calendar invite through email.

  • Join from a computer (desktop app recommended)

    Join using the desktop app for the best experience. Be sure you have installed the app and are signed in with your DMC email first. (The web app can also be used but may not provide all features.)

    1. Click the meeting link provided to you whether in Canvas, Outlook, Teams, or other location.

    Arrow pointing to join link that reads Join meeting (Microsoft Teams Meeting)

    2. On the join screen, click "Open Microsoft Teams" if prompted, or one of the other options.

    Join screen with arrow pointing at button to Continue on this browser - Chrome, Edge, or Safari work best!

    4. From the preview screen, choose your video/audio settings and click "Join now" to enter the meeting.

    Preview screen with arrows pointing to name field, webcam toggle, audio toggle, and join now button

  • Join from a phone or tablet

    Join using the Microsoft Teams mobile app. After clicking the meeting link, sign in with your Del Mar College email account.


    1. Download Microsoft Teams: Get the app for iOS or Get the app for Android.

    2. Click the meeting link provided to you to join in the mobile app.

    3. Sign in with your DMC email account. If experiencing issues, you may also join as a guest, but some features may not be available to you.

    4. Once in the meeting, the controls to show camera, mute audio, leave the call, and other functions are listed across the bottom of the screen.

    Teams Meeting on a Smartphone

Tips for Faculty and Staff

Q: Can I reuse a Teams meeting link for a dedicated virtual classroom or office hours?
Yes. Once created, a join link can be reused by anyone who has the link. Create a Teams meeting link, either using the Canvas integration or Outlook calendar, and copy/paste that link in an easy to find location like a Canvas homepage or module, webpage, or email signature. Be aware that the chat history may be available to all participants as long as the meeting is reused.

Q: How do I admit participants into the meetings?
The meeting organizer can open the Participants list to admit people waiting in the lobby. All Del Mar College students and employees can sign into Office 365/Teams before joining the meeting to bypass the lobby automatically.

Q: Does Teams allow breakout rooms?
Yes! The desktop version of Teams is required for full features.

Breakout rooms allow meeting organizers to split up meeting participants into smaller groups to facilitate discussions. Presenters can hop between rooms, make announcements to all rooms, and/or close the rooms that then bring everybody back into the main meeting.

Q: How do I view all my students?
Turn on either Large Gallery or Together Mode to view all active webcams. From the meeting controls, click the 3 dots to find these options. Large gallery will be active when more than 9 people turn on their webcams. Together mode will be active when 5 or more people turn on their webcams. You must upgrade your Teams desktop or iOS apps to access these features.

Sign into DMC Share for more teams information

Page last updated August 30, 2023.