Administrative and Academic Student Support Assessment

Administrative and Academic Student Support Assessment

As part of Del Mar College’s process of strategic planning and continuous improvement, assessment represents the efforts, in shorter termed goals, towards the College’s Strategic Plan.

Assessment is an integral component in the general practice of goal-setting and informed decision-making. Reports generated from this practice by both Administrative Support and Academic Student Support units are vital to multiple initiatives throughout the College.

Providing a clear, transparent narrative that details the College’s intentional journey towards excellence serves a multitude of both internal and external audiences.

The Manager of Institutional Effectiveness trains and supports Administrative Support and Academic Student Support units in the proactive, systematic development of priorities, aligning those priorities to the College’s Strategic Plan, and reporting the knowledge obtained executing these priorities to ensure the unremittent pursuit of excellence and service to our students and community.

Student Support Assessment Info for Faculty and Staff


Brittany Schicker
Manager of Institutional Effectiveness
(361) 698-2107

Dr. Lucy James
Assessment Specialist

Page last updated September 3, 2024.