Carrie Buttler
Associate Professor of English
GENC C212B | (361) 698-1925 |
AA - English - Del Mar College
BA - English - Texas Lutheran College
MA - English - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Carrie Buttler is a native of Corpus Christi and alum of Del Mar College. She teaches developmental composition and, occasionally, literature courses.
Dr. Andre Rosenbaum de Avillez
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
GENC C212D | (361) 698-1426 | | CV
AA - Liberal Arts - Collin County Community College
BA - Philosophy - University of North Texas
MA (2) - Philosophy - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Penn State University
Ph.D. - Philosophy - Penn State University
André's teaching and research interests include Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, Ethics, the History of Philosophy, and Contemporary Continental Philosophy.
Dr. Jonathan dyen
Assistant Professor of English
GEND D201D | (361) 698-1426 | jdyen@delmar.eduBA - English - Widener University
MA - English - Boston University
Ph.D. - English - Boston University
Dr. Dyen's research and teaching interests include Modern and Postmodern American novels. He teaches first-year composition and literature courses.
Connie Gutiérrez (Assistant Chair)
Professor of English
GEND D201C | (361) 698-1431 |
BS - Secondary Education - Texas A&I University
MS - English - Texas A&I University
Connie teaches developmental composition and first-year composition courses.
Dr. wes jamison
Assistant Professor of English
GEND 201D | (361) 698-1452 |
BA - English - Otterbein University
MFA - Nonfiction - Columbia College Chicago
Ph.D. - English (Creative Writing) - University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Dr. Jamison studies identity poetics, hybrid and queer literatures, and inclusive pedagogies. Their debut essay collection, Carrion, received the 2021 Quill Prose Award. Their current work is on millennial abjection.
Doug Jordan
Professor of English
CB 144 | (361) 698-1436 |
BA - English - Texas A&M University
MA - English - Texas A&M University
Doug teaches composition and American & British literature at Del Mar College. His areas of interest include contemporary poetry and critical theory.
Sara Kaplan
Professor of English
GENC C312G | (361) 698-1427 | | CV
BA - English Literature and Creative Writing - Sweet Briar College
MA - Poetry - Miami University
MFA - Creative Writing in Poetry - University of Idaho
Sara is originally from North Carolina. Her educational background and teaching interests include poetry and literature. She currently teaches sophomore-level literature, Creative Writing, and first-year composition.
Dr. Kent A. Lenz
Associate Professor of English
CB 246 | (361) 698-1689 | | CV
BFA - Creative Writing in Fiction - University of Nebraska at Omaha
MFA - Creative Writing in Fiction - University of Nebraska
Ph.D. - English in Rhetoric and Composition - Bowling Green State University
Kent's teaching interests include multimodal composition and pop culture. He teaches first-year composition and sophomore-level literature. When outside of the classroom, Kent enjoys baseball, softball, and comic books.
Sarah Lenz
Assistant Professor of English
GEND D201F | (361) 698-1453 | slenz@delmar.eduBFA- Creative Writing - University of Nebraska at Omaha
MA- English Literature - Boise State University
MFA- Creative Nonfiction - Georgia College
Sarah approaches writing pedagogy as a practicing writer. In her classes, she emphasizes a process-based approach to help students adapt to a wide variety of rhetorical situations in Composition, Creative Writing, and Literary Theory. She's the founder of Writers' Studio Corpus Christi, a non-profit literary arts education center. Her first book, an essay collection, What Will Outlast Me?, is forthcoming from Unsolicited Press (2023).
Dr. Paul McCann
Professor of English
CB 241 | (361) 698-1439 |
BA - The University of Texas at Austin
MA - Texas A&M University
Ph.D. - Texas A&M University
Paul's teaching interests include first-year composition, literature, Creative Writing, and Professional / Technical Writing.
DR. Matthew Moore
Associate Professor of English & Philosophy
CB 250 | (361) 698-1923 | mfmoore@delmar.eduBA - Philosophy - University of Dallas
MA - Philosophy - University of Dallas
MTH - Theology - University of Dallas
Ph.D. - Philosophy - University of St. Thomas at Houston
Matthew's scholarly interests include Philosophy of Religion, Virtue Theory, Political Philosophy, and Aquinas.
Dr. scott obernesser
Assistant Professor of English
CB 243 | (361) 698-1928 | sobernesser@delmar.eduBA - English - Montana State University
MA - English - Bowling Green State University
Ph.D. - English - The University of Mississippi
Scott teaches composition and literature. His research focuses include the Environmental Humanities, Indigenous Literatures, and Transnational Studies.
Dr. Maria Veronica Pantoja
Professor of English
GENC C212F | (361) 698-2329 | mpantoja6@delmar.eduAA - English - Del Mar College
BA - English - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
MA - English - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Ph.D. - Rhetoric/Composition & Linguistics - Arizona State University
Dr. Pantoja is fascinated by the horror genre and stories about madmen, zombies, and monsters. She enjoys teaching first-year composition and encouraging her students.
Dr. Matthew Perry (Chair)
Professor of English
CB 233 & GENC C101G| (361) 698-1234 | mattperry@delmar.eduBA - English - Missouri Southern State University
MS - College Teaching (emphasis in Language Arts) - Northeastern State University
MA - English Language & Literature - The University of Tulsa
Ph.D. - English Language & Literature - The University of Tulsa
Dr. Perry's research and teaching interests include war literature, American and British Modernism, and Film Studies. He teaches first-year composition and literature courses.
Kezia Ruiz
Associate Professor of English
CB 242 | (361) 698-1423 | kruiz16@delmar.eduBA - English - Baylor University
MA - English - Baylor University
Ph.D. (ABD) - Rhetoric and Composition - Texas Women's University
Ruiz's doctoral work is in Rhetoric and Composition with specialty in information literacy and multimodal composition.
Dr. Sally Schutz-shelton
Assistant Professor of English
GENC C312F | (361) 698-1454 | sschutzshelton@delmar.eduBA - English - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
MA - English - Texas A&M University
Ph.D. - English - Texas A&M University
Certificate in Africana Studies - Texas A&M University
Dr. Schutz-Shelton is a native of Rockport, TX. She attended Del Mar College before transferring to TAMUCC to finish her BA. Her research interests include Texas Literature, Southern Studies, and Western American Studies, mainly focused on the long twentieth century.
Sandra Valerio
Associate Professor of English
GENC C212A | (361) 698-2314 | svalerio@delmar.eduAA - Foreign Languages (Spanish) - Del Mar College
AAS - Health Care Management and Allied Health Sciences - Comm. Coll. of the Air Force
BA - English - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
MA - English in Rhetoric and Composition - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Valerio, a native of Corpus Christi's Molina neighborhood, is a Veteran of the USAF. She teaches developmental and first-year composition as well as sophomore-level literature courses.
Dr. Jane wolter-Williamson
Associate Professor of English
CB 245 | (361) 698-1428 | jww@delmar.eduBA - University of Texas at Austin
MA - Sam Houston State University
Ph.D. - Oklahoma State University
Dr. Wolter-Williamson enjoys teaching all levels of English curriculum, especially developmental and first-year composition. In her research she specializes in early Colonial American Literature.