Center for Access and Advocacy

Line of paper cut out people

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Center for Access and Advocacy

The Center for Access and Advocacy (CAA) has offices on the Heritage, Windward and Oso Creek campuses.
The CAA is committed to providing students with supports in three main areas:

  • Providing access to classes for students with any disabilities that interfere with learning – some examples may be ADHD, sight impairment, Anxiety, Dyslexia etc.
  • Helping students who have a gpa below 2.0 raise it and regain Good Scholastic Standing
  • Connecting students with resources – both on and off campus referrals – when life gets in the way of staying in classes

Another way to describe the CAA is that we are student – centered advocates who collaborate
and listen in order to guide students toward pursuing personal, professional and academic goals.


Some students are more familiar with Disability Services and Retention Services,
but we have changed our department names to reflect why students should come to our office.

Access Services

Access Services provides students with any type of disabilities access to learning materials at the same level of their classroom peers.

If you are not sure if you would qualify for Access Services, schedule an intake with one of our Accessibility Specialists.

Contact us at 361-698-1292 or

Heritage Campus: Harvin Center, Rm. 188
Windward Campus: Health Science Building 1, Rm. 215
Oso Creek Campus: Main Building, Rm. 213

Advocacy Services

Advocacy Services assists students who are experiencing hardships that are keeping students from being able to complete classes.

Before you drop a course, schedule an appointment with one of our Advocacy Specialists to talk through the situations with grades and/or life in general.

Contact us at 361-698-1292 or

Heritage Campus: Harvin Center, Rm. 188
Windward Campus: Health Science Building 1, Rm. 215
Oso Creek Campus: Main Building, Rm. 213

Vikings Care

Two hands holding a heart shape.

Please visit our Vikings Care page to find campus and community resources.

Access Services

Visit our Access Services page for more information.

Advocacy Services

Visit our Advocacy Services page for more information.

Meet Our Staff

Visit our Staff Directory for contact information.

Student Complaint Policy

Student Complaint Procedures