Cody Fitzpatrick

Cody Fitzpatrick

"Cooking with Cody"

Cody Fitzpatrick

About Cody

Cody Fitzpatrick

Chef Cody is from a small town in central Texas. He grew up in the restaurant industry and has been in love with food since he was a child.

Growing up he remembers helping his dad cook, prep, and most importantly, taste all of the dishes and recipes he executed. Food is more than physical nourishment in his eyes—it brings people together and gives you a story about the person who made it for you. Eating is more than what it is. For him, it's a depiction of the way one sees, hears, smells, feels, and thinks. At the young age of 21, he says. "It's so nice to be able to provide someone with a meal that could change someone's perspective of how the world is today." He further states, "I think that if everyone were to sit down, break bread, and share a home-cooked meal, this world would be a better place."

Plate of desserts prepared by Cody.

We are excited to invite you to a special cooking demonstration that will explore the rich history of Mexico through the use of Vanilla in traditional Mexican cuisine. Join us as we delve into the significance of this versatile ingredient and its impact on Mexican culinary heritage. Our chef will showcase the process of incorporating Vanilla into various dishes, and you will have the opportunity to sample some delicious recipes. Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the flavors of Mexico in a whole new way!




Page last updated June 26, 2024.