MLA Style: Web Publications

MLA Style: Web Publications

MLA Works Cited Entry — Online Sources or Web Publications

 Example of an MLA works cited entry for online sources or web publications showing margins, indentations, header, title, alphabetical order and spacing

Citations for online sources or web publications include:

  • Author’s name (No author? Use the individual or organization responsible for the information)
  • Title of the article/webpage (capitalize first letter of all the main words)
  • Title of the overall website italicized (capitalize first letter of all the main words)
  • Publisher or sponsor of the site
  • Date of publication (copyright date if that is all that is available) (Day Month Year)
  • Location: URL (leave off http:// and keep www. if part of URL)
  • Include date of access if no publication date is available (Accessed Day Month Year.)


Thompson, Carolyn. "Web Love Triangle Ends in a Tragedy." USA Today, 22 Jan. 2007,

Note: For help citing online sources, refer to the MLA Handbook, pages 46-53.

Information is based on the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 8th Edition. Individual instructor’s specifications may vary, so check with your instructor before formatting and submitting your work.

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Page last updated June 21, 2023.