APA Body
APA Body
APA Text (Body)

Content and Format
The format and content of the text or body of a paper may vary depending on the purpose of the assignment (e.g., persuasive essays, cause-and-effect essays, comparative essays, or annotated bibliographies). Always check with the instructor for what information to include in the body.
For example, the body of a lab report might include:
- Introduction
- States purpose of the experiment
- Provides a hypothesis
- Method
- Describes the steps or procedure used to conduct the experiment
- Explains the experiment in a way that others can replicate
- Results
- Summarizes data analyses performed
- Reports findings of the experiment
- Discussion
- Interprets results in relation to the hypothesis
- Explains limitations of the experiment
Note: Individual instructor’s specifications may vary, so check with your instructor before formatting and submitting your work.
*Text (Body) information is in Sections 1.1, 1.10, and 2.11 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
Page last updated July 25, 2023.