Del Mar College Police Department

Blue background with a gold police badge against it

Wave border image

Who To Call


Security Non-Emergency
(361) 698-1946

Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires universities to provide accurate and timely information about crime and campus safety to the university community as well as prospective students and their families.

The purpose of the Clery Act is to promote a safe and secure campus and help community members make informed decisions about their safety. In order to comply with the Clery Act, it is vital that we understand our responsibilities under the law.

Annual Safety and Security Report (Clery Act)

Crime Log

The Crime Log lists all crimes reported to the Del Mar College Police Department within the last 60 days. If you would like to see records older than 60 days, you must contact the department at 361-698-2900 or visit us at the Police Department building.

Daily Crime LogCrime Log Archives

Mission Statement

The mission of the DMC Police Department is to work as an equal partner with students, faculty, staff and the local community to enhance public safety; ensure compliance with current regulations; and encourage personal awareness to establish a safe, healthy and secured environment.

  • Report Suspicious Activity

    Report Suspicious Activity

    You should immediately report incidents to Campus Security. Officers will investigate the incident and assist you in contacting the Corpus Christi Police Department if needed.

    You should immediately report items missing from classrooms. In some cases, a missing item can be recovered. Immediately contact Security if you or someone you know is victimized on either campus.

    Campus Security provides a means for students to anonymously provide information about crimes on campus. Total anonymity is guaranteed. No personal information is collected with the crime information. Crimes reported through this program are reviewed and investigated by the officers and staff of the Security Department. All information submitted through this program is confidential.

  • Employee ID/Access Cards

    New employees, name changes, and position changes need to fill out an Employee ID/Access Card Request Form (ADM059) and have their supervisor sign it. They may call x2352 for availability, then come to the Police Department (3002 Ayers St.) to take a picture and obtain their NEW or replacement Employee ID/Access Card.

    Forms may also be emailed ahead to once completed and signed by the supervisor.

    Hours available:
    Call x2352 for availability

    Request form links (DMC Employee SharePoint)

    Employee ID/Access Request Form Access Request Form
  • Building Access

    Occasionally, staff or faculty members require access to offices after normal working hours or during weekends. Not all buildings are in use at these times. Individuals who need to work outside normal business hours must notify the Security Office.

    By notifying the office, Security knows who is working in each building and how long they expect to work. In the event of an emergency, Security can contact you if evacuation is needed.

    Unless students are with a faculty member, Security cannot permit any students admittance.

  • Auto Services

    Security will provide a phone and phone numbers to auto services that will provide jump-starts for vehicles with dead batteries. We also locate missing vehicles in the parking lot and help physically disadvantaged students and faculty in and out of their vehicles.

  • Lost Property

    Frequently, items found on either campus are turned in to the Student Activities Offices located in the Harvin Center and Coleman Center. Officers make every effort to locate owners of lost property and will leave word in the nearest building in which items were found.

  • Commendation or Complaints

    Coming Soon!

  • Parking Rules and Regulations

  • DMC Security

    Campus Security is a public service-oriented security department charged with the responsibility of providing protection for College students, faculty, staff and property.

    1. All incidents, thefts or other criminal offenses on DMC property are to be reported to Campus Security. You can assist security by reporting:
      1. crime, no matter how insignificant it may seem;
      2. suspicious activity;
      3. suspicious persons at any place on campus.

    An individual's report may prevent a crime.

    Services Provided

    • safety escorts to vehicles, as requested by DMC administrators
    • escorts to and from classes, depending on circumstances, as requested by DMC administrators
    • addressing classes or groups in regard to crime prevention and safety awareness

    Campus Security is located in the Physical Facilities Department on East and West Campuses. Individuals are encouraged to contact security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as may be necessary.

    • 698-1946 - non-emergency

    Emergency Call Boxes

    Emergency and Assistance call boxes, mounted on light poles or in free-standing blue pedestals, may be used to request help during an emergency, to request personal escorts, or for any assistance or information needed. The call boxes are located on both the East and West Campuses, as well as the Del Mar College Annex. For current locations in these areas, please call (361) 698-1946 day or night. When using a call box, be prepared to state your name, location and the nature of your emergency.

  • DMC e-Tips

    DMC e-Tips
    If you have information on suspicious or possible criminal activities, please use the DMC e-Tips form to submit your information.

  • Active Threat

    To understand the concept of "Run, Hide, Fight," Del Mar College Police Department recommends watching the FBI's instructional videos below.

    The Active Shooter - How to Respond guide is linked below.

    These videos demonstrate the tactics you can use to keep yourself and others safe during an active shooter attack - run, hide, and fight.

    Run. Hide. Fight. Run. Hide. Fight. – Safe in Schools Active Shooter - How to Respond

Report a Crime

If this is an URGENT MATTER, do not submit it here.

If this is an EMERGENCY or you have WITNESSED a CRIME, CALL 911!

Staff Listing

Lauren White
Chief of Police

Nathan Garcia
Police Captain

Mona Chavez
Administrative Assistant II

3002 Ayers St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404