Prefreshman Engineering Program


Closeup of a collection of metal gears

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Welcome to CCPREP

Corpus Christi PREP is the local site of the Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program (TexPREP), which provides educational enrichment opportunities for high-ability middle school and high school students interested in pursuing science-based careers.

For more information about CCPREP, contact James Shollenberger,, or Nedal Shheber,, (361) 698-1111.

Apply Now

The emphasis of this program will be on study and research work in mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

In selecting individuals for participation and otherwise in the administration of this program, CCPREP will not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, sex, color, age, handicap, or national origin of any applicant. CCPREP strongly urges females and students from minority groups who have been traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering to apply for participation.

There will be no more than 50 new students selected to participate in PREP 1, along with approximately 20 returning students to be considered for PREP 2 and 16 returning students to be considered for PREP 3. First year applicants should either be in 6th grade or have completed 6th grade at the time of application.

TexPREP has been recognized by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to the extent that local school districts may grant one credit on the high school transcript of PREP graduates for each summer program component they successfully complete.

  • Program information and Online application


    • Application Deadline:  May 16,2025
    • Parent/Student Orientation:  Friday, May 30st (virtual)
    • Program:  Monday, June 2 - Tuesday, July 17
    • Times:  Monday - Thursday 10am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 12pm
    • Field Trips: (TBD based on health concerns and availability)
    • Location: Del Mar College Oso Creek Campus


    All Corpus Christi PREP program functions for the months of June and July will be face-to-face. Any changes to the schedule will be decided based on evolving health concerns. The library and certain other facilities will be available to PREP students. Participants are expected to abide by campus rules set by Del Mar College and the local program directors. Students who are rude or disruptive in class or during guest seminars, or who damage property of Del Mar College are subject to dismissal from PREP and parents will be liable for the repair costs.

    Cost/Financial Assistance

    No tuition or fees will be charged for PREP. Each student is expected to provide his/her own transportation between home and PREP. Some field trip transportation will be provided by PREP, other trips students will provide own transportation (in town trips). Each student will need to provide a writing utensil.

    Eligibility Requirements

    1. All applicants should either be in 6th grade now or have completed the 6th grade already.
    2. All applicants must have a B or better average in their academic courses during the academic year and a B or better average in mathematics. All sixth-grade applicants must have an A average overall and in mathematics for the current year.
    3. All 9th-grade applicants are expected to have completed Algebra I.
    4. Each applicant must fill out a Student Agreement Form with parent/guardian signature (orientation).
    5. Each applicant must submit with his/her application a copy of the grade report from any reporting period during the second half of the school year.
    6. Each applicant must submit a 100-200 word essay which presents the reason(s) they want to participate in the PREP program. This essay will be ranked according to content and grammar.


    James Shollenberger
    (361) 698-1671

    Nedal Shheber
    (361) 698-1111


    Complete applications must be submitted online by Friday, May, 16th; supporting documents must be received by Friday, May 23rd. Once the first round of selections has been made, available seats will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.

  • Curriculum and projects

    First Year

    • Logic and Sets and their Applications 
    • Introduction to Engineering
    • Problem Solving
    • Projects:  Bridge Building, Air Rockets, Electric Engines, Robotic Cars

    Second Year

    • Algebraic Structures
    • Introduction to Physics
    • Problem Solving
    • Projects:  Physics Experiments, Design and Create a model community with Professional Architects

    Third Year

    • Probability and Statistics
    • Technical Writing
    • Research Methods
    • Group Presentations on Research Topics
  • Funding partners

    Lead Sponsor

    • Flint Hills Resources, Corpus Christi

    Additional Support

    • American Institute of Architects, Corpus Christi
    • Texas Department of Transportation
    • Citgo
    • Coastal Bend Community Foundation
  • Media

