Welcome to Del Mar College Campus Dining and Catering. We strive to provide quality service and food to Del Mar College, students and our local community. We offer on and off campus catering with a variety of delicious meal options and services to compliment your event. We welcome any ideas you may have to make your event unique. Our talented staff is available to assist in planning your event Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Fridays from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Please contact our catering liaison at 361 698 1332, or at campusdining@delmar.edu for customized service and menu items.
Please review the following guidelines and procedures to ensure a successful event.
- To ensure the best possible service, we ask that all events be booked at least 7 business days in advance. We understand unexpected events arise and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
- We request and confirmed number of guests be specified 3 business days prior to the scheduled event.
(Guaranteed guest) - Event time is billed for 4 hours of service. This includes set up and clean up. Any additional time exceeding the 4 hour limit will be subject to additional fees.
- Cancellation must be made 5 business days prior to the contracted event date.
Silverware and Condiments
All disposable silverware and accompanying condiments (salt, pepper, etc.) will be provided with items purchased.
Tablecloths are provided for all food and beverage services. Tablecloths for non food tables are available for an additional $10.50 per table.
Tax Exempt
Please provided tax exempt forms via email to campusdining@delmar.edu when event is scheduled, up to 3 business days prior to scheduled event.
Billing and Payment
A credit card on file is required to book your event and save your date. Any form of payment can be used after scheduled event. Invoices are e mailed one week after the event (timing may differ.) Checks should be made payable to Del Mar College Campus Dining. Please remit payment within 30 days from receiving invoice. Credit cards and cash are accepted; receipt of payment may be e mailed at your request. Payments are accepted the day of the event. Paying by credit card please contact Tammy Gilmore at (361) 698 1387.
Special Diets
Please specify any special diets or accommodations as soon as possible.
Delivery Service and Additional Charges
Delivery services are available in town only--$50 round trip fee. Additional Fee for after hours event.
Meeting Rooms and Equipment
Room reservations are done through Viking Scheduler which may be found on the Del Mar College website at delmar.edu, click “Info for” drop box (top right of page) then go to Faculty/Staff link and there you will see Viking Scheduler.
For any assistance needed with reservations the following contacts are available:
Jo Dee Garcia at (361) 698-1277 for the East Campus, Marie Herrera Sloan at (361) 698-1700 for the West Campus, and Janet Viera at (361) 698-1965 for the South Campus.
Equipment (tables, chairs, podiums, etc.) must be arranged with Physical Facilities at (361) 698-1243.