Francisco Villa
Francisco Villa
“I was the president of the stylistic club at Del Mar too! Shut up!”
Meet Francisco Villa, Class of '88
This is how bad I wanted to go to Cosmetology School. I worked at Del Mar (in the Cosmetology School) from 8 am to 5 pm and worked in banking, processing from 6 pm to 2 am. I thought, “Why wasn’t I born rich?” But that didn’t happen. It wasn’t part of the plan. So a year and a half later, I graduated from Cosmetology School. Now I own two salons and consult internationally.

I went to Del Mar for Cosmetology so many years ago. When I was ready to go to cosmetology school, I researched what was available. We have Vogue… um, we have Vogue…and we have Del Mar College! Del Mar was known for discipline, structure, and professionalism. That attracted me because I need it! Years ago, there was an incredible woman there named Mrs. Floyd. She was great. Also back then, my mother would go to the Del Mar Cosmetology Department to get her hair done, and I would go with her and hang out. So really, it was a choice I made because I knew where I wanted to go. I didn’t need another option.
So I saved my money and I had all my money to go to school, but I didn’t get in that semester. There was a waiting list. So instead, I went shopping. But then a week after school started, they had an opening and I was called to start, but I had spent all my money shopping! Back then I had just met the woman I have been married to for twenty-five years, and she said she would loan me the money. I said, you don’t even know me! But she said, well I know where you work! That’s where we met. We worked together in banking. So I said well if you want to loan me the money, I’ll take it, girl! It was a good investment, you know?

Today, we talk about social media and texting, but back when I was in school we called it passing notes. Ok, so now we use the Internet, but it is the same thing. No big deal. However, when texting first started, I would put LOL on my texts to to my daughter and she would ask. “What is so funny?” I’d say, “Nothing.” She’d say, “Why did you put LOL?” I told her it means Lots of Love! She said, “No, not when you are texting! It means Laughing Out Loud.” So things are maybe a little different now. But when I was in Cosmetology School, we’d say “Your LOL is here.”And it meant Little Old Lady! Context is everything. So even today with all the other Cosmetology Schools around, I’m talking Aveda, Paul Mitchell, Toni&Guy, Del Mar College has continued to keep its high standards and discipline, so great students come from that Cosmetology Department still today. Back then if we went to work at school and didn’t have our uniforms on, we were sent home. That is important. Come to work inspired by what you see on the street, but don’t come to work looking like you live on the street. It is all part of the brand and image. You know what I mean?
Page last updated June 8, 2023.